

molṑn labé
Staff member
The symbol that I hope appears ever time the name Barry Bonds is mentioned.

Then again...

I larfed at what Willie Mays had to say about him when he broke Mays' record:

Willie Mays said:
Willie Mays, a friend and father figure, told reporters, "I'm real happy for Barry beating my record, but they should put an asterisk beside his name when it goes in Cooperstown. If he ain't on steroids, I'll kiss your ass."

Mays was referring to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, Ohio. Bonds, a record holder in numerous categories, is expected to be a first round pick when considered for the Hall of Fame.

Mays added, "If they don't put an asterisk beside Bond's name, I have another idea: they should put that 660th ball in a glass case — and add a plaster cast of Barry's testicles — and maybe a magnifying glass. I saw him getting out of the shower after the game today, and his balls look like a drought-stricken pair of peanuts."

Mays paused for a moment, obviously overcome by emotion; finally, he mumbled as he turned to leave the crowd of reporters, "I shoulda drowned his skinny ass at the christening."

Source: http://blogcritics.org/archives/2004/04/13/075625.php
So he got it now... classy video tribute by Hank Aaron... but for the love of God... that big of a ceremony in the middle of the fucking game?
Thank God the Barroid watch is over. It's been sickening on so many levels. Mike Bacsik is now a useless trivia question answer, and this was probably his best shot at non-anonymity.
Gotta love how he went out to left field for one more ovation, then Bochy did the double-switch to take him out.

How he can tolerate himself, knowing how he has tarnished Mr. Aaron's legacy as well as the game he supposedly loves and which has made him a multi millionaire, is beyond sickening. Ill gotten gains seldom pay rewards. I mean, what does he do now, sit back and reflect on how he cheated his way into an empty accomplishment? Or has he managed to convince himself that somehow the world owes him this?

Boo Barry. You have set one of the worst examples imaginable for any kid unfortunate enough to have paid attention to you.
I gotta be honest, i am not to happy about him beating the record, but he damn sure is not the only superstar doing something illegal in the game of baseball. Sosa? Clemens? Hell, Ruth was doing cocaine way back then, but nobody says anything about that. And how the hell do we know Aaron wasn't on something?

I don't want to defend a cheater, but I think the real reason people get so upset with him is because of his personality. The guy is truly an asshole, which means that even if he didn't do roids, he'd still be getting crapped on.
I was under the impression that Hank Aaron admitted in his autobiography to using Greenies.
George Herman The Babe Ruth, Jr

Hammering Hank Aaron

Barry The Asterisk Bonds
Baseball ought to take a lesson from the NFL. They don't tolerate that shit in the NFL. Baseball could take a LOT of lessons from the NFL.