
The point is that the NFL makes every effort to stop this by testing. Baseabll is reluctand to do anything to even discourage it. Baseball is a daying port.

I think I translated this enough to get close to what you are trying to say...

Can you verify that the NFL's testing is empirical? That no player slips through the cracks? That heads aren't turned depending on the player/market size?

As far as baseball being a "daying port", I'll assume you meant dying sport. Attendance numbers are up league wide. TV ratings are up. If that's dying, more entertainment entities would like to be dying.
Numbers may be somewhat up but the general trend for many years has been a downward spiral.

I am sure the NFL isn't perfect but if baseball would at least try to prevent this stuff and perhaps work on some sort of salary cap system so the game became more competitive, I believe it would do the sport a lot of good.
I am sure the NFL isn't perfect but if baseball would at least try to prevent this stuff and perhaps work on some sort of salary cap system so the game became more competitive, I believe it would do the sport a lot of good.

Three of six divisions have races within 3 games. Wild card races separated by less than a game. But it's not competitive.

Do you even watch baseball? Have you ever seen it played? Can you name more than three teams? Gimme something to work on here.
Three of six divisions have races within 3 games. Wild card races separated by less than a game. But it's not competitive.

Do you even watch baseball? Have you ever seen it played? Can you name more than three teams? Gimme something to work on here.

See the hat on his head? He's a Giants fan. Giants fans have such an inferiority complex about the Dodgers that whenever San Francisco is behind LA in the stnadings, it's like the end of the world.

No I am not particularly a Giants fan. More of a Mariners fan and hoping we'll get the wildcard. I go to Mariners games at Safeco every year. The Giants hat is because I used to collect baseball hats and I just really like that one. I suppose if I was to chose a favorite NL team it's probably the Giants though.

My point is, that in the NFL just about any team can make the playoffs given the right breaks. There is more parity in the league than in baseball as is evidenced by the performance of teams with low payroll budgets (in general). Also in the NFL no team would be able to buy the star power the Yankees have (for all the good it hasn't done them). The salary cap would not allow for it. In any case I don't really care that much. Baseball is amusing but I am much more of a football fan no matter what the MLB could do to improve things.
Detroit Lions, Arizona Cardinals, Cleveland Browns, Houston Taxans...early draft picks year after year, and nothing.

Indianapolis Colts, New England Patriots, Philadelphia Eagles, Denver Broncos...playoffs almost every year no matter when they draft.

Any MLB team can make the playoffs given the right breaks. Hell, College of Charleston could win the NCAA basketball tournament given the right breaks. I dare say there have been more different teams win the World Series in the last 10 years than NFL teams winning the Super Bowl.

Salary cap would be great. I'd love it, because I pull for a perrenial loser. And I love me some NFL. But salary caps and revenue sharing have nothing to do with Sean Merriman juicing.