3/17/04: Steak & a Blowjob Day

I think it's just an OTC thing but I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll ask random people at the meat counter tomorrow if they are getting steaks for Steak and Blow Job day. I'll let you know what the consensus was.
LMAO ... does anyone remember why it's held on March 17th?

So many questions .. I want to write all this down so that when I pass this on to the future generations, they know where it all came from :D
It isn`t just OTC. It is on Wikipedia. That page says March 14 or March 20th, but I believe that it was made the 17th to make it in the middle.
I thought it was a PT invention, too. Had no idea it was a real holiday.

*wanders off to display new ammunition (among other things) to the spouse*
Well, that was the idea the fireman came up with - he'd be the steak, I take care of the rest. Maybe it was the whole meat is meat concept?
HomeLAN said:
I thought it was a PT invention, too. Had no idea it was a real holiday.

*wanders off to display new ammunition (among other things) to the spouse*

And we haven't seen him since.


*SnP looks about for his loving spouse, with a filet mignon in one hand and...*
On those occasions when I have to actually venture inside a prison (county jail not included), I am always tempted to duct tape various orifices securely.

I've been inside the "special needs" prison, on their psych ward no less...scary place. I've been one door separated from Tennessee's Death Row. Been in the same exercise yard James Earl Ray wandered. It's intimidating, but as long as you listen to and stay with the guard you're relatively safe.
SouthernN'Proud said:
On those occasions when I have to actually venture inside a prison (county jail not included), I am always tempted to duct tape various orifices securely.


Andy (the Jock) said:
Do you guys know what I did to get in here? I taped Larry Lester's buns together. Yeah, you know him? Well then, you know how hairy he is, right? Well, when they pulled the tape off, most of his hair came off and some skin too. And the bizarre thing is, is that I did it for my old man. I tortured this poor kid because I wanted him to think I was cool. He's always going off about, you know, when he was in school, all the wild things he used to do, and I got the feeling that he was disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone, right? So, I'm sitting in the locker room and I'm taping up my knee and Larry's undressing a couple lockers down from me and he's kinda, kinda skinny, weak, and I started thinking about my father and his attitude about weakness, and the next thing I knew I, I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him. Then my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. And afterwards, when I was sittin' in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father and Larry having to go home and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation, the fucking humiliation he must have felt. It must have been unreal. I mean, how do you apologize for something like that? There's no way. It's all because of me and my old man. God, I fucking hate him. He's like, he's like this mindless machine I can't even relate to anymore. "Andrew, you've got to be number one. I won't tolerate any losers in this family. Your intensity is for shit." You son of a bitch. You know, sometimes I wish my knee would give and I wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. He could forget all about me.