3 Doors Down - Seventeen Days


<b>mod cow</b>
the new 3DD album. my god, it rocks.

without doubt their best album so far.

landing in london gives you the chills....while never will i break and the real life are a bit 'louder' than usual.
although the entire album is a bit 'louder' than their previous two albums, they still tend to stay a bit (too) soft in my opinion.

nevertheless it's a very moshing album. definately worth buying if you're interested in their music or rock music in general.
i've always been a big 3DD fan .. got the CD last week .. i think it officially gets released today ... you're right - it's rocks. It's a bit different and not at the same time but it is louder ... "Landing In London" is a favorite, definitely ... but like their other CDs, they'll all become my favorite at some point LOL
FINALLY! a reply-er.

sheesh...i actually thought there was nobody left with any taste in this kind of music :D
then again, maybe i was a bit too early with erm, obtaining the CD....:D
Heh.....I may only be able to acquire the CD through less than reputable methods. 3DD are notoriously difficult to find over here, even in the alt-music shops. I'll erm....'acquire' those songs and give it a listen ;)