360 on a skateboard ?


Staff member
my 8 year old encyclopaedia wants me to tell him how a guy can do a 360 on a skateboard without the skateboard falling down :blank:
could someone kindly explain it in small words for his mom so I can put it into bigger words for him? :confuse3:
skateboards are dangerous, i recommend violent video games instead :D

he doesn't wanna do it, he just wants to understand how I think...:retard:
then he'll wanna understand the next step...:retard:

he makes me feel dumb :confuse3:
Link: http://muska270.tripod.com/chas/id3.html

how to do a 360 flip and a hillflips

''360 flip''
1. put the foot that u push off w/over the tail of the board as if u were going to do a pop shovit

2.put the other foot over the left side of the board as if you were going to do a kickflip

3.take the foot thats over the tail and make it do a pop shovit and take the other foot and make it do a kick flip

4. make sure that u jump

5.this might seem like a hard trick but its not as hard as u think it is.

6. now go and bust out some moves


1.place the foot that u dont push off with over the right end of the board make sure that ur foot is in the middle of the board.

2.go for the olie and kick the board out.

3.dont forget to jump when u do it .

4. now landing is not that hard if the board is under you you should be able to land if its on the other side of the street then u kicked it 2 hard so kick softer.

5.go out and try ur best

and dont think that your going to land it the first time cuz u wont most likely

have fun with your new tricks

Here are some links to skateboarding:


Simple. Jump on board.. spin quickly in one direction..fall face first towards unforgiving pavement...call ambulance.
hehehe ... that's how we did it as kids ... there were no such things as padded playgrounds and helmets in those days :D
(well look at that, it let me post for the first time in two days)
*having a moment of silence for my posting abilities*

nah, forget the silence, break out the beers :beerdrnk:
Leslie said:

he doesn't wanna do it, he just wants to understand how I think...:retard:
then he'll wanna understand the next step...:retard:

he makes me feel dumb :confuse3:

Really, it is too complicated to explain to an 8 year old. Tell him to pay attention in high school physics and he'll understand one day. :D

Basically, it's to do rotation about several axis. Skaterdude slams down on the back of the board as he hurls himself upwards, so there is little or no clockwise moment (presume he is going from left to right as you look him). The board pivots upwards about the rear axis. The crucial moment is made when the tail kicks off the ground - it exerts an upward force on the skateboard and then the boarder can then "drag" the board further up into the air using his feet and do what ever he wants with it - 360s etc, making sure he lifts his trailing leg as the board rises up below him. At least I think that's how it works... :retard:
thanks all, um...it's the upward force thing...that's what he wants to know HOW, why does it not fall... :S

Throw a ball around. Get out a ruler and a cotton reel and prang it. Put something on the underside of your right hand and push it up into the air with your left hand at the same time you raise your right hand making it seem as if the object is "sticking" momentarily.

Hell, you could even get hubby to throw the kids around in the name of science...

He knows it can be done, we do the bucket of sand upside down thing all the time, but how? why? oh my god!!! I feel so stupid! :retard:

I guess I need to go relearn gravity again or something :blank:
it doesn't fall because it falls with the guy "over it", The guy is not floating.

that's the simplest explanation i can give.
It's because there are various forces caused by the circular motion.

There is a relationship with velocity.

If he is not moving fast enough it will fall (like the water/sand falls out of the bucket if you don't spin fast enough).
I am trying to think of a simple explanation for WHY. Give me a few minutes.
The skateboard always wants to move at a tangent to it's current position. Demostrate this by spinning a ball attached to a string around and around on the floor (very smooth floor). Spin it very fast and let go. It should then go in a straight line as soon as you let go (because there is no gravity since it's on the floor ONLY the force which makes to move at a tangent is present).

The skateboard wants to do this exact same thing when it's moving the the 360 circle. Gravity is also acting on it though so it can not.

So, the skateboard going in the circle is like the ball being spun on the floor and let go (it wants to go straight out) and also like something being dropped (it wants to go down). The is why it moves in a circle. It wants to go straight down and straight out at the same time so it tries to do both and ends up moving in a circle.
*lightbulb comes on*

thanks a lot!
That'll be a smashing conversation at 7am tomorrow I tell ya! :lol:
but far better than the 'but why don't you know, mommy, didn't you go to school?' :retard:
No prob!

Just make sure ya don't hit anybody or anything if you do the spinning ball trick! I've had more than one flying object come at my head in physics demonstrations, NOT fun! :D