Our web server may be malfunctioning . This happens to large complicated technical systems often, which is why the Star Wars missile defense system will never work and shouldn't be deployed
3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.
PuterTutor said:3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.
I want to know what genetically engineered crops have to do with the Nuclear Reactor meltdown in Chernobyl. Please? Anyone?
Leslie said:Did you guys expect dissertations on their 404 page?
3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.