404 pages...


Haha, for fun, read the 404 error page Greenpeace has on their website:

http://www.greenpeace.org/features/blah (this link will produce a 404 error)

OK those guys have an odd sense of humor. :silly:
Our web server may be malfunctioning . This happens to large complicated technical systems often, which is why the Star Wars missile defense system will never work and shouldn't be deployed

talk about lame arguements :D
keeping an serious eye on the environment is one thing, but i'll never support an organisation who uses that kind of arguements.
honestly, it's pretty pathetic.

but still worth a good laugh :D
Yep, they're funny, but pathetic. Thought about this two days ago actually (don't ask why, it was probably late and I was watching commercials on Discovery), how dumb they actually are, even though their primary intentions (saving the environment) are good.

But that means we shouldn't support Greenpeace either, because joining Greenpeace is probably an automated process which could perhaps in a most unlikely event fail, which makes the whole thing pretty useless :retard:
3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.

I want to know what genetically engineered crops have to do with the Nuclear Reactor meltdown in Chernobyl. Please? Anyone?
PuterTutor said:
3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.

I want to know what genetically engineered crops have to do with the Nuclear Reactor meltdown in Chernobyl. Please? Anyone?

Because they're mutants, man, mutants. They could get together and take over the world... :eek: :rofl:
I'm sorry, but that argument is like,

Well, a car uses gasoline, and that's bad for the environment, so never do anything so stupid as to ride a skateboard. :retard:

I really don't mind environmentalists, as long as they show some intelligence, and don't just say Bad. You are Bad. Stupid and Dangerous. Bad. Bad.

Give me reasons people.
3. You may have made a mistake typing the address, or we made a mistake creating a link. Mistakes happen. Chernobyl and Bhopal should have taught us that they can have devestating consequences, which is why releasing inadequately tested genetically engineered crops into nature is stupid and dangerous.

3 completely different situations, plus it's difficult to test crops when ill informed nutters keep destroying your test sites. If we relied entirely on nature for our food supplies then more of this world would be starving than already is.