freako104 said:
I cant remember if its 6x9 or 7x8.

PT that is the joke. I fell for it too and then Gato said that was the joke

Less of a joke more of a horrbily cheesy pick up line
I always find it interesting how many people know that the answer is forty-two but have never heard of Hitchhikers Guide. I'm reading a book called "Don't Panic" right now. Kind of a literarybiography of Douglas Adams. And of course, 6X9 is not the proper question because the life originally designed for earth was supplanted by all the hairdressers and telephone sanitizers, etc. :D

Of course, you could accept the author's interpretation:
The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an
ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations,
base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk,
stared into the garden and thought '42 will do' I typed it out. End of story.


Douglas Adams
London, UK
Gato_Solo said:
Q: What is the square root of 69?
A: 8 something...


:lol: that too

I was thinking along these lines:

Man: Whats 6 by 9
Victim: Dunno
Man: 69...you can be the six I'll be the nine.
chcr said:
I always find it interesting how many people know that the answer is forty-two but have never heard of Hitchhikers Guide. I'm reading a book called "Don't Panic" right now. Kind of a literarybiography of Douglas Adams. And of course, 6X9 is not the proper question because the life originally designed for earth was supplanted by all the hairdressers and telephone sanitizers, etc. :D

Of course, you could accept the author's interpretation:

"Don' Panic" by Neil Gaiman? If it's the same one then I thoroughly enjoyed that, a good read! (and a must for any Adam's fans!) :D

Hmm, 69 jokes?.....69 jokes? ... lessee.........

What do yer call the number 69 order at a chinese Takeaway?

"Yu Chow Mein" :lloyd:
i was looking for a thread in which to post the fact that today is douglas adams' birthday....
luis, did you do that on purpose?
i started rereading.... found i understood much better than i did the first and second times i read them, when i was 12 and 13... but then i got distracted, and haven't picked it up again in a couple of weeks.
My wife got me the Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide for Christmas this past year, its a nice leather bound, contains all the Hitchhikers books, and a nice bit from Douglas about the History of the books, I almost cried when I opened it.