4th of July celebration cancelled


Well-Known Member
My son and I were supposed to go to my Mom's house this afternoon for a family get together. My Mom called about 9:00 and told me my 16 year old nephew (my sisters son) was commited to a phsychiatric ward yesterday. My sister found out a few days ago that he had been self mutilating himself (cutting himself on the chest). My sister got a call yesterday from his girlfriend, and he had cut himself pretty bad across the chest. After they treated his injury, the doctors recommended he be commited for 72 hours for observation. He said he wanted to kill himself and started throwing furniture around and yelling and cursing at the doctors. I'm in shock. He's always been a quite kid. I have a feeling this may be related to his father. His father is an alcoholic and damn near death himself. A few days ago, my sister spent her birthday in the emergency room cause he was throwing up massive amounts of blood. I just don't know what to do. I want to help, but I don't know what to do :crying4:


this is one of those helpless times where all you can do is be available, to listen, to whatever.
There is prolly not a whole lot you can do at this point, pad. Except maybe offer support to your sister.
Hopefully the reasons for him cutting will come out during the evaluation and they'll have a better idea on how to proceed with treatment for him. Sadly, it most likely is related to his dad's alcoholism.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Thanks Leslie and Q......you two are real sweethearts.

I will have to put some of the blame on my sister. She's an uppety little wench. She's been married 4 times......mostly to alcoholics.
Sorry to hear about that, pad.

give the therapists time to work with him. the possiblility of losing your dad at 16 must be a heavy thing to carry. combine that with what you mentioned about your sister and i dont doubt i'd hate the world too and threaten to kill myself. about all you can do is like what Les and Q said, just be there for him.
i hope everything works out for him.
My dad was an alcoholic who died when I was fifteen. It's hard, but it will get better eventually. I hope the therapists can help him, pad.

Stuff like this always flashes me back, even after thirty+ years. :(