6 years is a long time...

Pretty good. I got a good job in Louisville, KY, the same old car that I'm not sure why is still running, and I'm finally starting to amass a small reserve of cash.

How about you?
Not to bad, Dating, same job for last 4 years and I think your amassing the cash I used to have. :)
I think My oldest boy sent you an email through here a few weeks ago.
At least he thiks he did.
Unless he runs Russian dating sites or is offering me cheap online degrees in 4-6 weeks, I am afraid I haven't gotten any of his emails. How/where'd he send it?

I'm still helping Gonz terrorize the place. :eek10:

Sam, I was checking out some of your bookface pics the other day.
I haven't figure out how to operate much of the friending and stuff yet though.

You look good...thinner, but good. :wink2:
CAT!!!! well I'm not quite that thin anylonger.
After blowing my knee out and surgery. I have gained about 25 lbs. back.

How you doing?
How you doing?

pretty good. :beerbang:

I just got two more rows of corn planted.
I can only hold out to do 2 at a time. They are about 150' long.
I need to lose about 30 pounds at least as I've been at 250lbs for about a year
now since I quit smoking on Christmas 2009.
My back is strained from it, and I'm out of shape exercising, so it's
double tough it seems to shed the weight.