7-year old charged with felony

:confuse3: That is just fucked up.

Arresting seven year olds? Charged with a felony? And the eight year old? For stepping on the principal's toe? Hopefully this is just a really big scare tactic on the part of the police.
Wow that's strange. I got stabbed with a pencil in my hand in third grade. The pencil point is still in it. The girl who did it, Kim, didn't get arrested. She and I are actually still friends. Even though she stabbed me. Nice friends I have, huh? ;)
I think it was fair. The alternative would have been to paddle his ass which the parents should of done long ago.
it makes me laugh, that boy will never touch a pencil in his entire life :D:D
Originally posted by greenfreak
Wow that's strange. I got stabbed with a pencil in my hand in third grade. The pencil point is still in it. The girl who did it, Kim, didn't get arrested. She and I are actually still friends. Even though she stabbed me. Nice friends I have, huh? ;)

I still have a pencil point in my hand too ... left palm actually. No one got arrested for that one either. People are nuts these days.

Come on now ... arresting an 8-yr old for stepping on the principals toe? Like that hurt :rolleyes:
Originally posted by L. Summerton
:confuse3: That is just fucked up.

Arresting seven year olds? Charged with a felony?
....what if... that was your kid...that got stabbed? ...what if... it wasn't a pencil? What if...the school didn't want to do a damn thing to help?
Originally posted by greenfreak
Wow that's strange. I got stabbed with a pencil in my hand in third grade. The pencil point is still in it. The girl who did it, Kim, didn't get arrested. She and I are actually still friends. Even though she stabbed me. Nice friends I have, huh? ;)

I stabbed someone wit a pencil in 2nd grade. Well sorta. This girl, Tiffany, who came from the "extra-large" variety, would always try bein my friend and then bully me around, so one day she kept slamming her hand on my desk over and over...so I did what any good little 2nd grader would do :angel: and took my #2 pencil and stood it on my desk, pointy end up. Yeah, well she couldn't stop her hand and slammed her hand one too many times.. She never did tell the teacher, or even really cry, but I guess she told her dad who told my mom and I got grounded from my Super Nintendo for a week!
I think they should still beat the hell out of children in school. Corporal punishment all the way. Worked for me, don't know why they stopped. :D
I have an 8 year old and a 6 year old. I know the mentality. Kids do stuff. That happens. Two members right here with pencil stabbing in their past. Should duronclocker or greenfreak's friend have been jailed for a felony?

It's a dangerous time. This is the risk we take when we send our children out into the world. These days children are a lot more worldly and the danger is great, potential is there for something tragic in every school. I don't see, however, any seven year old being criminally responsible for his/her actions.

This child is on medication. Sounds as if he is troubled, so that is another reason to look for help for him rather than arresting him. Asinine to arrest a 7 year old, never mind a troubled one. To do what? Put him in jail? Unless the point is to get him away from the family and get him help. When you read about the 8 year old arrested there for stomping on the principal's foot, you have to wonder.
I think US law currently stands at 4 being the minimum age threshold for crime. Chasing someone down and stabbing them in the back regardless of the lethality of the implement is felonious aggravated battery. It will be handled by a juvinile court and the judge has broad discretion to lower the punishment barrier to be in line with the use of a pencil... but ramped back up for going against the whole class and taking stiff jabs at 3 others.

Half of US kids are on meds these days. Damn ritalin is being overused.
Originally posted by *Q*
Originally posted by L. Summerton
:confuse3: That is just fucked up.

Arresting seven year olds? Charged with a felony?
....what if... that was your kid...that got stabbed? ...what if... it wasn't a pencil? What if...the school didn't want to do a damn thing to help?
But it wasn't.

Would you, if you were a policewoman, arrest someone for whacking a friend over the head with a newspaper in jest because it could've been a baseball bat and it could've been in aggravated assault?

The point is, don't accuse someone of being a danger unless they really show the potential to be a danger to the people surrounding them. This is a 7 year old kid who didn't want to share his crayons and got mad and started swinging a pencil around, not a criminal mastermind planning to take over the world.

If it was my kid that got stabbed with a pencil, I would tell him to suck it up, wounds heal, and then I would hope the stabber kid's parents wake the hell up and see that they have some work to do. An undisciplined child isn't my problem and I wouldn't intend to let it be, nor would I try to make it my concern to interfere in that kid's life. The kid could've been isolated from the other students, or sent to the principal's office to cool down for a bit, but instead they let him remain with the other students, and when trouble arose, they went straight to pondering expulsion and charging him with a crime. If there were past discipline problems which were not resolved, then it is the parent's responsibility to take on, but the school still should have gone through the proper steps to try to make sure that while the discipline problems had continued, he was not in the position to hurt other students. That is generally what most schools do.

Don't get me wrong, the kid does need to be disciplined for this, but the police and the school are taking this out of proportion. It is a freaking KID who hasn't been taught what not to do by his parents. NOT some bad ass motherfucker who shoves knives through people's hearts for some evil pleasure. He needs to be whipped by his parents before he turns into one, though, but he should still have the privilege to stay in school, maybe in an isolated room, but it's better than no education at all.

Hopefully he'll just end up with a ticking off, you never know, a bit of scare tactics might do him some good, but I do agree with Fury, it's not as if he did any real harm. I know I used to come away from school with alot more than just "red marks" almost evey day :rolleyes:
The point is, don't arrest someone unless they really show the potential to be a danger to the people surrounding them. This is a 7 year old kid who didn't want to share his crayons and got mad and started swinging a pencil around, not a criminal mastermind planning to take over the world.

You would be suprised how little it does take in real life.

The kid is obviously mentally disturbed and needs counseling.

Fury, you might feel the need to defend him because he is about the same age as your brothers, but you have to realise the other kids he went after with a pencil have the right to feel safe in the classroom. If they were to let this go, this kid might get the idea he can do anything and not get into trouble. It really is for the best to deal with it now to give him some sense of right and wrong.

Stomping on toes is one thing and stabbing is another. I have been stabbed with a pencil many times when I was in Jr. High School. I was not very big in those days and people used to use me as a punching bag. I know how it feels.
This may sound a little controversial, but obviously the kid has not been brought up responsibly.

Yelling because he didn't want to share his crayons? Fuck me, I'd feel like smacking the little shitebag round the head! :mad2:

He's obviously been raised in an environment where he's been the centre of attention, i.e. where he's never had to share, never had to want for anything; just clicked his fingers, and someone would come running.

Sounds to me like the kid needs a crack round the head once in a while, and before anyone goes off on one about child abuse, blah, blah, blah..., it wouldn't be about child abuse. It'd be about parental control on your children, and making sure they don't turn into spoilt little bastards, who whinge and whine the moment they have to do something for themselves or someone else.

I got brought up in what I thought was one of the strictest environments there was; things like eating with utensils held in the proper way may not seem a big deal, but if my elbow was to even scrape the table, I'd get a tap to the head. Another regular occurence was me getting back from 6th form (college), and finding the clothes from my draws scattered round my room, because "they weren't tidy".

It really made me think about my personal habits, cos although I hated my stepdad for doing it at the time, you can bet your bottom dollar I get on with him just fine now, because he taught me self-respect, and respect for other people and property. I'm now 18. I have a very decent social life, good appearance ('part from the damn spots :mad: ;)), and people like me. They like me because I am who I am, I speak my mind, and I get on with people. I share my possessions (I have people in my room quite a lot of the time, I buy the girls in my flat dinner from time to time, whenever I'm in the flat, anyone can use my stuff, etc...), and I don't take shit from anyone.

Conclusion: they're not afraid of me, because there's no need to be afraid of me. They talk to me and get on with me. If they don't want to, then fine, but I try my hardest (and it's not the hardest thing in the world), and I'm respected for this.

I think this is what this kid needs - not a "boot camp" way of life, but a real slap round the face and be told to smarten up, because he has no self-discipline, self respect, or respect for anyone else. Furthermore, it'd be a lot cheaper than just throwing a bottle of pills at the poor kid. It's IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTING.

Can anyone disagree with me here? If so, WHY?

And yes, If I was that substitute teacher, I'd probably be charged with felony now, because I'd slap the little fuckwit. As I said, I don't take shit from anyone, let alone a bratty little 7-year-old.

So ends my rant/lecture/insight into my background.

Rock on :headbang:
