8 killed, 9 dead at union meeting say police

I'm not surprised your bigoted thinking has lead you to believe it's meant to be racist when in fact it's quite the opposite.

Let me help you to find the simplicity. If someone is having a meeting about saving his job, and that person is being represented by a major union. Why wasn't his accusations about "racism" mentioned while preparing for the meeting or brought up during the meeting? -- Could it be that "racism" is a false flag argument that simply has become the default social cry to create the illusion of being the victim?

I believe this is the result of the left's efforts to make everything about racism when in truth is was about someone stealing beer from their employer.

you make post after disparaging post about muslims, gays, mexicans, et cetera. it's obvious where your interests lie.

and then you play the "i dare you to call me a racist" game.

seriously, you're not fooling anyone. the patterns are obvious. just be honest about it and get your sense of humor back. it works for winky. :thumbup:
  • Yeah I have problem with the terrorist shrine at Ground Zero after 3000 of my countrymen were killed in the name of Allah.
  • I believe marriage is a sacred union of rite between a man and woman.
  • I do have a problem with illegal aliens flowing passed the borders of my nation. I used to love spend my youthful summers in Mexico (legally of course). Did I mention my one-and-only wife's last name was Romero?
What makes me a racist is your shallow insight, not the facts of the matter.

I find it amusing how you recoil in matters of ancient superstition :yet: you're emotionally invested in the fantasies of a borderless liberal utopia that always looks good paper but always results deaths and suffering in the name of the greater good.

Puppies and sunshine brother, keep dreaming.
you're emotionally invested in the fantasies of a borderless liberal utopia

no, i'm not in favor of wide-open borders. i just find your attitudes repulsive.

just like i'm not in favor of obamacare, but i find your comments about it pretty base and childish.
Gee it seems like you're all for it. Didn't you say something to the extent of: They only want to come here to work. -and- They aren't a burden on the US, in fact the help us.

To me. That seems to support open borders; just let them flow over to help us. -- Whereas i think they should come over legally, as many millions before them have. (oops, thats racist)

I find many of your conclusions to be knee-jerk and shallow, ... also very liberal.
Accepting all the scum From South America
just so they can all become Demonrat voters
isn’t so much about race, just sayin’
Yeah, Obama Care being unconstitutional is baseless and childish.

I suppose to an enlightened individual, that holds deep-seeded disdain for the Constitution of the United States, it might very well seem to be both baseless and childish.

However I do have a keen understanding of why one might hold disdain for ancient moral codes and superstitions, as well as silly old words written on an old piece of parchment. -- I would guess it was because they need self-justify their own actions and their darker desires.
Yeah, pretty much. Nobody likes to be thought of as immoral by the masses.

Why do think homosexuals attack the church so vehemently? Do you believe it's because someone believes in God or could it be something else? (clue: mora_ity) Oh Shi... you also attack the church.

Minx, when are you going to realize you are a closet progressive liberal?

(BTW: isn't having 2 women kind of selfish and sexist, seems demeaning to women)
i don't "have" two women. nice choice of words.

what homosexuals that attack the church? i know plenty of gays and lesbians that go to church. get lost.
Sorry for my confusion. Your little smileycon seems to indicate you like to be sexually admired my two women at once. Also you have indicated you are open to frisky women here on the board. how is that not demeaning to you current BFF?

OK, let me correct my statement, the militant homosexual agenda/lobby ( a very large group, a majority in SF). Yes they attack the church at every turn, even going as far as arson and vandalism, look at Spike for instance.
My company treats me bad sometimes. They make me work long hours & don't say pretty please.
Evil white racists get what they had coming to them

damn that was some fucked up nigra