9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - under 5 minutes


Well-Known Member

you see goth?
It's post, and views like this that is the reason Ron Paul has no RNC, or media support.

All you guys linking him to this crap has done him in.
You have nobody to blame but certain supporters.
Paul does not subscribe to this mess.
gotholic - the tone of that video is flippant and nauseating. thirty seconds in and i'm ready to puke. right. ha ha funny little guy on dialysis in cave penetrates 'most heavily defended airspace in the world.' ha ha clever. inaccurate, but really funny ha ha shove it up your bum.

this is the not the subject matter to be "clever" about and the attitude reveals much more that its ugly little self.

cato is right that the hordes of mental adolescents with special secret imaginary insider knowledge of fucking everything do not help ron paul. however, ron paul absolutely does subscribe to this shit, whether he believes it or not, as a revolting marketing vehicle, just like the newsletters published in his name years ago.