I've seen a couple of those conspiracy films (oh, by the way, the Marine got a great shot too). I don't buy into it.
Good fuckin' Gawd Gothy jeebuz Christ!
No wonder we have Osammy as President
there are far more of you idiot whack jobs out there
then anyone could ever imagine.
9-11 conspiracy?
Could you sum this up for me in any terms that have any basis in reality?
Someone knew exactly when those planes would strike so they
somehow concealed multiple explosive charges in the Towers
and set them off after the planes hit?
and not one of the scores of people involved with this has
peeped a single word? Or did they all get killed by space aliens?
Never mind, Sheesh
Goth, I watched every video you've posted now, and still think what I thought
before this thread was started.
I don't think you are going to change anybody's mind here,
by asking them to watch any more videos.
On the flip side...
I also don't think it's helpful to ridicule people when one obviously has Not
watched Real evidence presented.
There NEVER was a real investigation to answer many "reasonable" questions.
same one
Screw all that silliness and tell me who the hell
the shooters were on the grassy knoll fer Christ's sake!
What did you think of it? Mind you the one I linked is the latest one from 2008.
Screw all that silliness and tell me who the hell
the shooters were on the grassy knoll fer Christ's sake!
A Marine in a warehouse is all you need.