99% chance of being a hoax but still a good read

Scn64 said:
Or maybe we have seen time travellers but none of us are willing to believe their stories.....such as John Titor. There aren't too many things that I'll say I'm 100% sure about because, no matter how much I think I know, there is always a chance I'm wrong. That's the reason for the 99% in the title.

I regularly lose hours *hic*
HeXp£Øi± said:
Talk about covering your ass. lol

Just telling it like it is. ;)

One of the reasons i say it's impossible is that if it were possible we would know it. How? Because if their were other worldlines(assuming i'm understanding this phrase correctly) there would be an infinite amount (or extremely great numbers) of them.

...then on billions or trillions of seperate worldlines their would be billions or trillions of different time travelers(if not an infinite number of them).
Every logically consistent solution of relativity and every logically consistent discussion of quantum mechanics I've encountered has had a common attribute: time travel to the "past" is restricted to "times" in which the time machine has existed. If we consider traveling to another worldline that looks like your "past" to be time travel, then you are limited to other worldlines in which your time machine also exists. The ideal solution is to use a naturally occuring time machine, such as a black hole or cosmic string (if they exist), that has been in existance for a very long time.

This is the biggest technical flaw in Titor's story. Inventing a time machine in the future would not give humans the ability to travel back to 1975 or 2000. The only (exceedingly remote) chance for his story to be true is if our government or someone else has already invented this time machine.

if it's not physically possible then it's simply defined as impossible. It's either possible or it's not.
Philosophers and scientists typically acknowledge three levels of "reality." Logically possible, physically possible, real. Me missing lunch today was physically possible, but not a reality. 2+3=4 is a logical impossibility. In this case I'm not sure it really matters, but there is a difference.
outside looking in said:
Just telling it like it is. ;)

This is the biggest technical flaw in Titor's story. Inventing a time machine in the future would not give humans the ability to travel back to 1975 or 2000. The only (exceedingly remote) chance for his story to be true is if our government or someone else has already invented this time machine.

Isn't that still just a theory, though? We don't really know much of anything about time travel.
Yes, it's a theory. And from an epistemologocial POV, I see no reason to think otherwise when every solution of two radically differing ways of describing reality, both of which have been confirmed to a mind boggling degree of accuracy, points to the necessity of a time machine existing on both connected worldlines. Just a theory... but a very, very rational one.
outside looking in said:
Yes, it's a theory. And from an epistemologocial POV, I see no reason to think otherwise when every solution of two radically differing ways of describing reality, both of which have been confirmed to a mind boggling degree of accuracy, points to the necessity of a time machine existing on both connected worldlines. Just a theory... but a very, very rational one.
The way I think of it is, if time travel is possible, the necessary "ingrediants" to make a time machine probably already exist, it's just that we don't know how to put them together and make them work as one. So, IMO, as long as those "ingrediants" exist in our world, a time machine would be able to travel to our time. I can see your logic though and I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just giving my opinion.
according to Titor's theory of multiple worldlines - the chances of another 'time traveler' landing on our worldline is extremely improbable.
As far as I know, every "expert" opinion on the subject that I've ever read agrees that travel is only possible to a worldline that contains essentially an identical, functional time machine.
Time travel is easy. Just place a mirror face down on a Xerox copier and press the start button . . .
Oh, yea of little faith and less education. Temporal physics and time travel have already been described. Time travel causes a Mobious loop in the temporal line to form. Any changes in time caused by that traveller remain within the loop (in fact, describing the loop). Therefore, you could go back and kill your grandfather. Over and over and over.
Professur said:
Oh, yea of little faith and less education. Temporal physics and time travel have already been described. Time travel causes a Mobious loop in the temporal line to form. Any changes in time caused by that traveller remain within the loop (in fact, describing the loop). Therefore, you could go back and kill your grandfather. Over and over and over.
Again, that remains a theory until it's been proven. If you can show me proof of this, please do.
Prof, there are plenty of physicists who think that cts's would be prohibited. Besides, a ctc doesn't remove the necessity of the time machine being present at both departure and arrival times... in fact, the nature of it being a closed loop clearly suggests that the departure and arrival times are sequential, with the existance of the time machine in both tieing them together.
UNIX BUG - 2038
New Constitution - 2020
NWO Killed - 2020
Russian Strike - 2015
Untold Events - 2012
New World Gov - 2011
Female President? - 2009
Full Civil War - 2008
Last Olympics - 2004 until 2040
Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet
One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet
100K Killed - No Date Given - Not Yet
Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003
China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003
NO WMD in Iraq - No Date Given - 3rd Qtr 2003
Gulf War II - No Date Given - 2nd Qtr 2003
Reduced Rights - No Date Given - 2002 To Present
Middle East
No Arm No Legger - No Date Given - 09/11/2001 To Present

Those are allegedly his predictions :lol:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington, and they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country.

Maybe we should give them all a cow.



They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.



The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse!

You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building
full of lawyers, judges and politicians!

It creates a hostile work environment.


And Last, but not least.....

George Carlin said it best about MARTHA STEWART. ...

"Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she's behind bars. O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around;
Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the one woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard,
and haul her ass off to jail."