a $3.8 trillion budget

They are psychotic, and need help. (no joke)
Get um out of our government, 'cause that ain't governing.
ain't cha supposed to run yer credit cards up
just as far as you can before they cut you off?
i'm so massively distracted by all the drivel here that i've hardly even noticed this insane budget.
I've always wondered, what do they pay the engravers & ink people with? (they know the lack of value)
A $3.8 trillion Federal budget is doable.

A mixed economy is the worst of both possible worlds.
a $3.8 trillion budget isn't enough.

Don't you be thinking you bettah simmer down?
Our Federal budget is like three times greater
than your whole country’s GDP? ($1.287 trillion)
Re: a $3.8 trillion budget isn't enough.

Don't you be thinking you bettah simmer down?
Our Federal budget is like three times greater
than your whole country’s GDP? ($1.287 trillion)

With 10x the population.
Re: A $3.8 trillion Federal budget is doable.

A mixed economy is the worst of both possible worlds.

actually it isn't. either extreme is ridiculous. all you get are massive (and massively destructive) boom and bust cycles on the one hand, and three-day lines to get a square of toilet paper on the other.

every successful economy on the planet is a mixed economy. government and business CAN cooperate if'n you got the right cultural machinery in place, and you can kick ass like them japs did for quite some time, until they got taken over by shiftless emo kids.

Agreed on the Jap EMO's
Something not too dissimilar happened here.

You gray area folks are all the same.
Anyone in their right mind can agree that commie command and control is
ultimate failboat.
If that type of economy is wrong then laissez-faire capitalism might be Right.
And don't gimme that crap about boom and bust, cuz we sure as fuck are in a bust right now.

The business cycle shall not be denied!

Old Ayn was so right:

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong,
but the middle is always evil.

So fuck this we ain't gonna go for real capitalism
so slew this place right into a Soviet style hellhole!

I need TP for my bunghole.

Take the red pill.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy.
But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see?
Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people
we are trying to save But until we do, these people are still a part of that system,
and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system,
that they will fight to protect it.