A bunch of stuff.


As just a tiny response to the closing of the last thread, I just wanna say I'm very used to being a victim of biased administration and rules that only apply to those outside of a clique, so... I'm over it. Just know you're all pretty sad people. That's the end of that.

In other news, I'm a gigantic fan of horror movies, and while watching one, I rarely and I mean r-a-r-e-l-y ever get scared or jarred.. I never jump at things popping out, etc. Tonight, though, I did! Several times... so many times I'm sort of in awe! I don't get to the theaters much anymore, so this movie's sorta old, but it's Vacancy. If you haven't seen it and are scared easily, don't! I'm immune to scary-movie-stuff but this was insane!

Secondly, there's a few videos I found recently that made me laugh so hard I could have... like... shit.... all over myself... I'll post the links, but just know that #2 IS the funniest, I think.

#1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZBrhPsRMyJk
#2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=fIzdAacXp6E
#3. http://youtube.com/watch?v=lc_vaHhtNoc

Look, I can still contribute in the KK! I will not break!
i tried to watch those, but the first one had the swedish chef techno remix thing in it so i had to look at that and lmfao for a bit.


the day after i first saw it, i kept cracking up in court. i had to turn my head away, because that is very inappropriate!

and jay couldnt even watch most of it, it was so immediately funny.
Um... being banished to the KK means I can't view my profile? Wtf?


Cat tape was hilarious.

Rammstein thing: couldn't get past the first second. HATE ALL THINGS *JAPANESE ANIMATION*!

Library thing was amusing.

Stop-motion was just amazing... had to take forever to make.
Whoa. Winky was banned? What for? Someone link me to the post of horribleness! Just curious what kind of a post gets someone banned!
We have a fairly short ban list (except for the spammers). The crew decides that too much is too much & the deed gets done. Not always a post & not always a collection of posts. Sometimes there are other factors.
Well... I thought he was amusing... but then again I probably didn't see half the stuff he ever said or whatever else got him banned... he was quite odd.
Hm, I kinda like Rammstein AND Evangelion, but when it was edited to make it look like Asuka singing, I had to back away..
I'm still wondering why I can't view my profile while I'm lickin teh windows. It's not a big deal it's actually sorta funny... so why's it do that? Seems really weird lol.
I just can't stand anime... I don't know why... it's just like the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me... can't stand to see it hear it think of it imagine it or anything... but like I said, I don't really know why! No specifics or anything... just hate it, I do.
haha, that's fair. some of them i like, but many of them i think are completely ridiculous. i go to conventions with my friends sometimes (mostly to buy shit and people-watch), and a lot of the people there, i'm like, "HOW DO YOU LIVE!?!"
I'm still wondering why I can't view my profile while I'm lickin teh windows. It's not a big deal it's actually sorta funny... so why's it do that? Seems really weird lol.
That is because one person in the past who was KK'd went absolutely nutso and changed their profile to be nothing more than .jpg's of 'FUCK ALL OF YOU', goatsex, exploded and maimed corpses... basically made it so that wherever you saw their old posts in the forum it was nothing but a pure bloodbath... and since the mods had all gone to sleep, it was allowed to be up for a few hours. Having stuff up like that violates our basic agreement with the hosting server, which could have led to us getting the boot. 90% of people tend to fall into a zealous rage when the chains are put upon them and do whatever it takes to bloody a few noses on the way down.

I really can only think of like three people that were ever KK'd that ever made it out... and only one banned person that was ever allowed back in.
But not because they're by default stuck here forever. Just because of the whole going utterly manic thing.