A bunch of stuff.

Wow. The old forum I used to be such a part of.... that I just joined again... has sloooooooooooooowed down. It's like a ghost town in there almost.
Omg. Maybe some of you should come over and visit! The other forum I mean... I want it to be up and running like it used to be... :(
I've belonged to 15~ forums over the last 8 years. All of them have slowed to a crawl. Its a bizarre internet phenomenon where people don't want to talk anymore. They just want their Big Brother updates and watch a little YOOTOOB!
Lol... yeah... but I think at least the Admins/Mods would come back if there were more activity... and more activity means more people! I mean hell in the two days I've been a member and been posting, like 5 new members have registered... they aren't spam or they'd have posted their spam by now... they're probably just not posting cuz... well.. no one else is!
lol, i remember when jjr512.com was the place to be. that was the first message board i ever posted on ever in my life. the good thing is that a lot of the people there are here, so it's kind of like the same thing, got a lot of the same kinds of posts, the kind i like :)