A conundrum


New Member
Okay...so this is definitely not the most important issue in the world but it's frustrating and it shouldn't be happening and it's a geeky as hell puzzle...so it should be right up some folks' alley.

Got my "new" computer (running XP) and began in the morning yesterday to add the things I needed and make sure all the stuff worked. First, I checked to see if I could access the internet (IE7) by doing my morning routine of checking email and visiting a site I frequent. Whilst there I decided to open the chat window to make sure it worked and it did. I chatted for a minute and left to do everything else.

I spent the entire day trying to get my phone and it's software to speak to each other. The only upgrade involved in that was to activesync 4 and the new windows media player (11, I think).
Then I added the wireless printer (which I had had previously).

So finally I am done and want to unwind and I go back to my frequented website and try to open chat....no dice. It tells me I need adobe flash...well duh...but why did it let me open it in the morning? So I dl the new (and only available to be had) version and return to chat. No dice. So I look in the FAQ and it says that if I can't get IE7 and flash to open chat I should try Mozilla Firefox as IE has issues with flash. What the hell? IE7 is different to IE6 and I am already having to adjust. Might as well switch to firefox as I have heard good things. So I dl it and make it my default.
I head back to chat and now it wants a flash plug in...okay. I head back and it still doesn't work. Absolutely no frigging idea why.
I have pop ups allowed....I even uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted.

Any ideas?
I just had a customer that the flash didn't work properly on the http://www.webkinz.com/
site, for her granddaughter. (a flash site)

Solved her problem by putting the site in the "trusted sites" area in the security section.

ie7 sometimes changes the setting, after updating it seems.
I tried your theory on Rob's machine as he is still running IE7 and I am using firefox now...no dice. I initially gave me a red X pop up as the website does not have a https:// prefix-y thing but I tried it anyway with no luck.
1. If you originally accessed the chat in IE7 but are now trying to access it in Firefox, are you sure that Flash got installed as a plug-in for Firefox? I assume you chatted out of Firefox on your old machine. Also, check to see if you need an add-on for Firefox to go with the chat client.

2. Re. Rob's machine not doing it in IE7, there are several things that could cause it but I'd look at security settings first (always assuming Flash is installed and running on Rob's box).
Failing that, I'd look at program associations in Folder Options (be careful) and see if activesync has taken over something flash should be running.
I tried your theory on Rob's machine as he is still running IE7 and I am using firefox now...no dice. I initially gave me a red X pop up as the website does not have a https:// prefix-y thing but I tried it anyway with no luck.

yeah, did you try un-checking the "secure site" box , and then adding the site?
My dad's XP system had problems with flash, too, meaning no youtube videos or any other of a myriad of things. Install after install of flash wouldn't help. I eventually ended up finding the full flash reader program for download and doing it manually. I guess it FUBARed the first time around and subsequent installs just tried to build off of that.
Failing that, I'd look at program associations in Folder Options (be careful) and see if activesync has taken over something flash should be running.

Whaaaaaat? Tell me that again real simple like.

I do have the firefox plug in up and running.

I did look at Rob's security settings. I was not running firefox before and only dl'd it when IE wouldn't play nice with flash.

Inky? How do I do what you did?
Also if you have some sort of script blocking program ,I have NoScript installed for FF and have to tell it to "allow " to view most new flash sites. I realize this is the same security issue that Catocom and CHCR had referred to ,but a different approach.
I don't. I went back to IE7 as I found a site that helped me configure my computer for chat but it did not help.
My dad's XP system had problems with flash, too, meaning no youtube videos or any other of a myriad of things. Install after install of flash wouldn't help. I eventually ended up finding the full flash reader program for download and doing it manually. I guess it FUBARed the first time around and subsequent installs just tried to build off of that.

I can do that whole youtube thing so flash works...I just can't open this chat window.
Is it possible that site is experiencing technical difficulty and the issue isn't at your end?

Other people can access the room. I see the occupancy number changing as if to mock me....but yes, I have been in contact with folks that can access it. They say that they are using flash 8.0...but I cannot find a copy of that to dl.
One downside to using a mac at work is trying to help diagnose stuff on Windows when I don't have a Windows machine handy to look at. :(
So I dl'd that after uninstalling the new flash and now it doesn't recognize that I have flash. Do I need to unzip that file?