A Day at the Beach........


New Member
This is my little guy at Englewood beach. He's the one in the orange spongebob shorts.
I hate Spongebob...

I wish we had a beach here. Granted we have resevoirs, but it's really not anything close to the same.
Ok - have a question for anyone who can help...I have this thing on my computer it is paintshop-the pic I wanted to post is Bitmap image??? It wont let me upload the picture in the managed attachments. Does anyone know how i can change it from that to a jpg,bmp,etc...so that I can post it up? :confused:
Mare said:
Ok - have a question for anyone who can help...I have this thing on my computer it is paintshop-the pic I wanted to post is Bitmap image??? It wont let me upload the picture in the managed attachments. Does anyone know how i can change it from that to a jpg,bmp,etc...so that I can post it up? :confused:

Go to 'file', and click 'save as'. When the window comes up, you'll have a choice of jpg, gif, and bmp file types. :grinyes:
She e-mailed me this one to post.

Mare, the first e-mail arrived fine. Just thought I'd let you know it worked, since I saw the second one said "let's try this again." BTW, how do you pronounce that last name?
its pronounced like this.....A-brew-Z (Abruzzese)

BTW-Thank You very much :winkkiss:

OK Gato, there ya go!