That is the tallest shark fin I've ever seen!Mare said:This is my little guy at Englewood beach. He's the one in the orange spongebob shorts.
Spot said:looks like both are wearing orange shorts to me.
hope this works-here ya go Gato!Gato_Solo said:Hmph. She could've at least zoomed out a we could see her bikini...
Mare said:cant get it to work i'll keep trying....sorry
Mare said:Ok - have a question for anyone who can help...I have this thing on my computer it is paintshop-the pic I wanted to post is Bitmap image??? It wont let me upload the picture in the managed attachments. Does anyone know how i can change it from that to a jpg,bmp, that I can post it up?
unclehobart said:Why yes... I would like a-brew.