A few quick questions


Well-Known Member
1) **Insert name here** is not a member of any public groups

Out of curiousity...what the hell does this mean? So far as I know...there aren't any 'groups' on OTC. Is this an unused portion of OTC?

2) Whenever I try to bold/italic/underline or change font size etc...I get an error "This command is invalid or not implemented" but...it works anyway. What gives?

3) OTC email? Does it still exist and if so, where's the link?
MrBishop said:
1) **Insert name here** is not a member of any public groups

Out of curiousity...what the hell does this mean? So far as I know...there aren't any 'groups' on OTC. Is this an unused portion of OTC?

2) Whenever I try to bold/italic/underline or change font size etc...I get an error "This command is invalid or not implemented" but...it works anyway. What gives?

3) OTC email? Does it still exist and if so, where's the link?
1. yes it is an unused feature not sure how or what we would want to use it yet.

2. i believe it is something being looked at by jelsoft. in otherwords a bug.

3. I need to get ahold of dennis to add the link back in untill then you may want to add this http://www.otcentral.com/mail/ to your favorites till its added.
samcurry said:
1. yes it is an unused feature not sure how or what we would want to use it yet.

2. i believe it is something being looked at by jelsoft. in otherwords a bug.

3. I need to get ahold of dennis to add the link back in untill then you may want to add this http://www.otcentral.com/mail/ to your favorites till its added.
Thank you VERY much :)
i've a question ... where can we contribute to get BS access again? (besides the normal OTC bs, of course ;)) I used to be a contributor and now I'm not, which I don't mind but I can't figure out how to become that again. :(

Edit - nevermind. I found what I'm looking for.