A finished pencil and pen????


Well-Known Member
It occurs to me that i can't remember the last time i ever finished a pencil whole before i lost it and moved on to another one. Same with pens. I may have never finished a pen to it's enteirety before i misplaced it or forgot about and then moved on to another pen who will suffer the same fate as those previous pens.

anyone else?
i've had pen i've used up. negative on the pencil. i am a notorious pen thief...i don't mean to...just ingrained in me....used to do it with lighters...had an ex that used to call me tasslehoff...always stealing his lighter...i really don't mean to do it.
I've used several pens up until they die. Then buy refills for them, specially here at work. But pencils ... I don't know if I've ever used one all the way down. *ponders*
*raises hand* I've finished off pencils before. :D Beginning to end. I took my English 102 final with a stub. The final was (of course) three essays which nearly filled up two blue-books (universal unit of measurement for college kids). I had to take the pencil sharpener apart during the final so I could get enough room to hold onto the pencil while sharpening it. It ended its useable life at about half the length of my index finger.

I tend to use pens more often now though. I've yet to use up a pen because I keep misplacing it, then using another, then finding the original one, using it for awhile, then losing...etc. I rarely lose a pen permanently, they just go on vacation for awhile somewhere then reappear.
who does use pencils these days?....well...ok so i have a use for the eraser end of a pencil...but what about the non-stoners?
I might consider using a pencil when drawing, but when writing i prefer using 0.7 mm replaceable leads.
Pen? Pencil? Are they bringing out more new fangled things to plug into the back of the 'puter these days? :confused:
tonks said:
dude, it's like pulling teeth some times...line of work?

Not working in that field yet but in the process of learning it's trades. So you could say my studies.
Architecture I guess :shrug:

I use pens up all the time, but I don't think I've used a pencil to the bitter end, I hate using a short pencil which is probably why.
I've had the same Parker Jotter since highschool. Many, many refills emptied. As for pencils, I haven't used a wooden pencil since elementary, save for at the bowling alley. I've 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 hanging around.

For a while in highschool, I hung up the old Jotter and went with a fountain pen. Sadly, looseleaf paper and fountain pens don't work well together, and the $100+ fountain pen went back into storage to await better times, and the Jotter came back out of retirement.
i use up pens all the time. usually dries up when i'm trying to finish my notes on a patient being transferred.
i dont think i even have a pencil in the house and they are very much frowned upon at work...
i bought a bag of "gay colored" pens at the dollar store...i've seen the last time my husband ran off with my pen...although i got a viagra pen from my doctors office thinking he would avoid it...but he eventaully stole that one, too!
tonks said:
it's like advertising? they don't do that with medications in the uk?

Not with viagara........last thing yer want in yer hand is something long and stiff, it would only remind you that you're not ;)

Then again...........maybe that was the idea

Although......it does raise the question: Do they advertise headache tablets on condom packets?