A good christian song...


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah this threads gonna go far...
But if anyone's interested, i finally heard a good christian song worth listening to.

Come, now is the time to worship

Brian Doerksen

A rare treat when it comes to christian music.
i think i know that song, i think we sing it at a youth group i go to :)

theinnersanctom and stealthninja have gotten me into a lot of good christian rock: relient k, mainly.

get: hello mcfly,
softer to me.

also get "fireproof" by pillar.
I'm still pissed at them for taking Onward Christian Soldier out of the hymn book, and at PCing Amazing Grace.
Vortex said:
My fave Christian band would have to be, without a doubt -> Switchfoot!!


:headbang: "... dare you to move ... dare you to move .. dare you to lift yourself off of the floor ..."

don't forget Jars of Clay .. and Plus One, who, by the way, are actually coming to O'ahu next month for a concert ...
it's not the music i don't appreciate in christian music....good music consists (in my opinion) of good melody and good lyrics and i just can't relate to most lyrics in christian songs :)

found the song, hex...but can't say i like it, sorry