A hard lesson

ClaireBear said:
Better education, healthcare, fire, police etc etc etc... free to all who require it!!!!

The most powerful governments have averaged something like 200 years until collapse. Do you know that most collapsed goverments have collapsed from their own weight? Once people realize they can vote themselves money, one way or another, they begin looking for representatives that give them the most.

Communism/Socialism does not and can not work.
ClaireBear said:
Better education, healthcare, fire, police etc etc etc... free to all who require it!!!!
All of which are already provided by the US federal, state and local governments. City police and fire departments are paid for frot he city's general fund, which is paid for with sales taxes, the transient occupancy tax (hotel bed tax for those of you new to the term), and so on and so forth. Education through high school is paid for locally by property taxes and also by the state (from state taxes) at a rate of around $5,000 per school year per student. Secondary education for the "needy" is often paid for with scholarships, many of which are state-funded. Healthcare for the "needy" is provided throgh such programs as Medicaid. California has a program in place of Medicaid called Medi-Cal, which is a cooperation between the state (funding) and Blue Cross/Blue Shield (network) for those who qualify.

I don't write checks to my local police or fire departments for service, nor did I for my high school education. However, I earned $635.40 this past pay period, and $528.97 was direct-deposited into my bank account. The difference went to pay for all of the above.