tank girl
New Member
We ARE Right!
It isn't ONLY might that makes right.
sure its not, it takes a lot of well thought out excuses, media instrumentation, propaganda and political fear-mongering that go into the concoction.
We ARE Right!
It isn't ONLY might that makes right.
Commentary ~ December 19, 2004: George Bush has been named “Person of the Year” by Time magazine, joining such historical similarities as Ayatollah Khomeini (1979), Adolf Hitler (1938) and Joseph Stalin (1939).
Time's managing editor Jim Kelly said the president was chosen for “sharpening the debate until the choices bled, for reframing reality to match his design,” and for “gambling his fortunes - and ours.”
We couldn't have said it better.
As far as bleeding choices, 1,304 Americans have been killed as a result of his war in Iraq ; while 9,844 have been wounded (5,229 so seriously they have been sent home with missing body parts). More than 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children have died. No one is keeping track of how many of them are maimed for life.
Reframing reality to match his design: in other words, forcing his worldview on the rest of us. In the next four years, we can expect much more of his reframing of reality. Adolf Hitler did the same thing after he was named person of the year.
The third reason, gambling his fortunes, and ours, speaks for itself. Compulsive gamblers who wager their families' possessions for imaginary gain need therapy. Heads of state
who do the same with entire countries should be impeached. He is gambling the fortune of this country on the advice of a few entrenched corporate interests who care very little about anything other than milking our economy for as much as possible before it all collapses.
Looking forward into the next Bush term, the magazine's editors doubt if Bush will extend an olive branch to his political opponents, despite his assurances that he will reach across the isle. “Whatever spirit of cooperation that survives in his second term may have to be found among his opponents,” the article said, “He has made it clear he's not about to change his mind as he takes on Social Security and the tax code in pursuit of his 'ownership society.'”
The magazine also points out that half of Americans (50%) still think that the country is headed in the wrong direction, not much changed since the pre-election period. Only 40% see the country on the right track.
Bush is quoted in the magazine as saying he does not expect "many short-term historians to write nice things about me.”
But even as the killing of a single Iraqi, purported to be an insurgent, in a Fallujah mosque dominated almost a week of U.S. media coverage, the claim in the report in the respected British medical journal Lancet that the number of Iraqi civilians killed since the U.S. invasion may number as many as 98,000 rated hardly a mention even in news outlets that had been relatively critical of the war. The Lancet study, of course, was a scientific guesstimate based on incomplete data — the U.S. and its coalition partners have never kept a record of Iraqi civilian deaths. The Economist recently provided its own, more conservative estimate: 40,000 civilians dead.
A significantly lower total is reported by the organization Iraq Bodycount, which has tabulated news reports that show a total of around 15,000 civilian casualties since the war began. Even if that lower total was accurate, it suggests that Iraq has suffered at least five times the impact of 9/11 — and the fact that its population is one tenth that of the U.S. would magnify the impact to more like 50 times that of 9/11.
Leslie said:
Civilians "reported" killed by military intervention in Iraq
- [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]Casualty figures are derived from a comprehensive survey of online media reports and eyewitness accounts. Where these sources report differing figures, the range (a minimum and a maximum) are given. All results are independently reviewed and error-checked by at least two members of the Iraq Body Count project team in addition to the original compiler before publication.
...and Bill Clinton, and Pope John Paul II, and Nelson Mandela, and Yasser Arafat, and Mikhail Gorbachev, and Jimmy Carter, and Lyndon Johnson, and Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy, and Charles De Gaulle, and Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. So what's your point?tank girl said:speak of the devil...
Bush Joins Hitler, Stalin and Khomeini as "Person of the Year"
tank girl said:rather than the lump of coal that he intended...
tankgirl said:More than 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children have died. No one is keeping track of how many of them are maimed for life.
Gato_Solo said:This quote keeps popping up in tg's posting, and, even though it's been refuted at least twice, she keeps posting it. Perhaps she thinks that repeated posting of a lie will make it the truth.
*waiting for the ubiquitous posting of Bush lying as well...
tank girl said:Hitler didn't think he needed an excuse either - he genuinely believed he was right.
HomeLAN said:So, we get 3000 civilians killed and war declared on us by militants, and when we respond militarily, we're Nazi oppressors and the terrorist organizations who started this mess are to be dealt with in a spirit of understanding and hope?
Damn, whoever taught you to think logically needs work.
Winky said:The greatest beneficiaries of 9-11 are the Iraqi's