A link...we've found a link

Squiggy said:
Wrong Ards. I've been touting that I am angry as hell that we haven't gone after SA. I've never said anything less. And the money trail for the financing was traced to SA too. Not just the participants. Thats part of what pisses me off about the rest of it. I've often stated that if you wanted my support to take out Saddam, then say it that way. Don't say yhat we're doing it in the name if the 9/11 victims. Thats bullshit.

Several of the 9/11 terrorists were indoctrinated in German radical groups. I think we should invade Germany. And we should invade France while we're at it, just because they suck.


On a serious note, Ards summed up what I've been saying for months now. Attacking SA outright at the moment just isn't a good idea, and I've explained why several times.