
molṑn labé
Staff member
A bloody damned miracle right there in Fallujah & not one sonofabitching atheist reporter or blaspheming news outlet let the world see. How could we miss such an important, possible world changing event? I may have joined teh Mormom Tabernacle Choir had I known. :sad:

The interview is featured on the website of the Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor Project, or MEMRI TV. The organization translated the conversation into English.

"They [the Americans] attacked Fallujah and tried to cause great damage to its residents," he explained. "They destroyed mosques and homes, killed women, children and youths, and spread corruption in Fallujah. Nevertheless, we believe that Allah protects the believers, and indeed, Allah stood beside Fallujah, and I'd like to mention some miracles Allah performed in Fallujah. It is possible that the media does not know about them."

Continued Al-Sumide'i: "The first miracle that occurred in Fallujah took the form of spiders that appeared in the city – each spider larger than this chair, or about the size of this chair. The American soldiers left, holding the legs of this spider, and I too, in one of the Friday sermons, held up a spider, with all its magnitude, in front of the satellite channels and in front of the world. This spider also had thin black hair. If this hair touches the human body, within a short period of time the body becomes black or blue, and then there is an explosion in the blood cells in the human body - and the person dies."

WND, the story
HOLY CRAP!!!! :eek:

Some Arab Internet sites have repeated claims of Iraqis about the spiders, and there also are stories circulating of phantom white-robed knights on white horses sent by Allah that killed U.S. Marines in battle.
Your head hurts??? But, IC, it's A MIRACLE!!! Giant spiders from Alllah. White Robed (k)nightriders...c'mon.

Get in the spirit.

Maybe if you chant Baghdad Bob is back over & over you'll feel the power ;)
Islam is known for fanaticism but now they adding dellusion into the mix.....

You know at times like this, no matter how open minded one remains, they start to think that for so many decades the middle east has been an area of constant trouble....

What do they want?....I mean what do these people really want? You help them....they hate it, you ignore them....they hate it.

I don't know if Bush's actions are justified or not because lets face it...both sides of the two arguments are lost and confused but I can't help but thinking how hypocrite the rest of the world is. U.S remains neutral it gets jeers for ignoring problems, it gets involved, it gets jeers for budding in...

...basically you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. If no one else is ready to step up time and time again to help others then no one gets their say in matters.

There is no denying U.S is a bully but lets imagine a world where the U.S didn't enforce its law.....history has shown time and time again nations of equal power never stay that way, so why not enforce tough love then.
Giant spiders or not, one old man managed to do with words in a couple of hours what men with guns couldn't achieve in a couple of weeks :)
Well, sorta. They left the shrine. They attacked the coalition from elsewhere this morning.
Oz said:
Giant spiders or not, one old man managed to do with words in a couple of hours what men with guns couldn't achieve in a couple of weeks :)

The only reason that worked is because the mosque was completely surrounded, and the thoughts of starvation, or destruction of the mosque, rubbed everybody the wrong way. They left so that they wouldn't be pariahs for the mosques destruction, and become 'martyrs' someplace else. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
The only reason that worked is because the mosque was completely surrounded, and the thoughts of starvation, or destruction of the mosque, rubbed everybody the wrong way. They left so that they wouldn't be pariahs for the mosques destruction, and become 'martyrs' someplace else. ;)

So the lil' ol' cleric had nothing to do with it, eh? ..... it's a pity he bothered to turn up there at all, seeing as everything was under control ;)