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Inkara1 said:
Not arguing this point, but I should mention here that when Brandi and I split up, she hadn't had a period in over 6 months, but she wasn't pregnant. I wonder how much her weight had to do with that, though.
prolly quite a bit, actually. there are many factors involved in a womans period that can mess up the dates. i used to be very not like clockwork...then while taking birth control pills it became very regular, birth control shots? became non existant...now i have finally started having them again after almost 2 years of having my baby and they are not on your average 28 day cycle - rather a 34 day cycle...so you see it's not as simple as it sounds......
I planned my second child. For all the wrong reasons, but he was planned.
is a child EVER planned?

Ask those who have charts with the days of best possible chances of getting pregnant marked down and intercourse planned specifically for those days.