A more interesting thread

I am the METALGOD so watch it or I'll be headbangin' yer ass cross town buddy,:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :rofl2:
Well, have you noticed any scraping while laying in bed? Snagged yourself on the sofa when getting up? They may be countersunk. You might feel a little pressure.
My settlement is in about a month...I think they're gonna try to buy back the remainder of the warranty..
The X-rays look pretty cool. Guess you gained a little weight, huh?
So what happened to your back, I don't think I remember you saying.
I was working at a nonwoven textiles plant and had to move a 700 pound bale of fiber ...by hand...alone
What pisses me off the most is, a few weeks after my operation, they announced a new 'breakthrough' iof a procedure for my type injury. Less invasive, quicker and more stabil healing, and less long term residual problems...