A new forum


Staff member
A subforum actually, of Love and Lifestyles, called Good Food.

For exchanging recipes, sharing ideas, asking questions and just generally discussing our mutual love of food.

Its a subforum... therefore your complaint paperwork needs to be amended and refiled with the approproate registrar in triplicate.
I'd like to file a complaint against anyone filing complaints concerning new forums.

While we're on the topic, i really think we need a simple computer forum under the science forum. Most threads concerning computers are related to science about as much as dirt is. I mean yeah, they can be, but rarely are.
No. No no no. We do not need new forums. We have plenty, and they cover everything. They have done for years.
Well, I started a thread called Kat's Little Korner for recipies and household hints shit, so jump in and post......maybe it'll earn a sticky!