I must soon depart for the mean streets of Madison Wisconsin for my semi-weekly work duties. As I enter the wilds of Illinois' northern neighbor & engage the cheeseheads personally I'll be temporarily out of touch with my beloved internet & the odd assortment of characters at a place called OTC for about 30 hours.
During that time, our nation will enter a cycle...one that comes once but every other year with every second of those having real meaning outside your home domicile. The Presidential election cycle is upon us. We've lived through over a year of Democrat assaults upon our way of life. They have called our sitting Commander in Chief words that would have had them shot for treaon 100 years ago. THey have acted in a manner that 50 years ago would have had them charged with sedition. Yet, in the spirit of brotherhood, our duly elected head of state has not taken action upon these criminals, save to counter point.
So, I beseech you, my fellow citizens, take a few minutes of your time & act honorably & with reverence for a tradition that many, many have died for, just so you could be given this right & responsibility. Neither often nor carelessly...take advantage of what you have....
VOTE your ideaology & to protect your nation
for GW Bush
I must soon depart for the mean streets of Madison Wisconsin for my semi-weekly work duties. As I enter the wilds of Illinois' northern neighbor & engage the cheeseheads personally I'll be temporarily out of touch with my beloved internet & the odd assortment of characters at a place called OTC for about 30 hours.
During that time, our nation will enter a cycle...one that comes once but every other year with every second of those having real meaning outside your home domicile. The Presidential election cycle is upon us. We've lived through over a year of Democrat assaults upon our way of life. They have called our sitting Commander in Chief words that would have had them shot for treaon 100 years ago. THey have acted in a manner that 50 years ago would have had them charged with sedition. Yet, in the spirit of brotherhood, our duly elected head of state has not taken action upon these criminals, save to counter point.
So, I beseech you, my fellow citizens, take a few minutes of your time & act honorably & with reverence for a tradition that many, many have died for, just so you could be given this right & responsibility. Neither often nor carelessly...take advantage of what you have....
VOTE your ideaology & to protect your nation
for GW Bush