A question about religion ...


Well-Known Member
ok .. by now most of y'all know that I'm a Religious Studies major ... and this isn't a question of what religion is "right" or who's got the best g(G)od(s) ... I just want to know if there are people out there who are willing to discuss the beliefs of their religion with me ...

I'm especially interested in those of Hebrew/Jewish faith right now .. as well as those who belong to a religion that believes in the Rapture.

And as always, Native Cultural Relgions/Practitioners are always a joy to hear from :)
Maybe if you just discussed through PM or a messenger of some sort...
Hey Na, I'd be glad to talk to you about my religon, I was raised Lutheran, went Athiest/Antagonist for a while, then converted to Catholic.

Fuck the rest of you if you don't like it.
Well statistically speaking only approximately 1 in 423 people in the world is Jewish so there is a chance that one person on this board is a jew. But for the record, i thought it was a good idea.
Actually, since amish and minonite people woudl not have computers, statistically there shoudl be MORE than one person who is jewish...
:D Nixy, you've been hanging around me and LL too long. :headbang:

Catholic, but not a huge religious guy, go to church every week if I'm not out of town, but that's about it. Just be glad I don't post the bad joke he writes every week. :D "Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer" is one that comes to mind. :rolleyes:
SL: I didn't get math stuff from hanging around you and LL. I have always been a math girl...
thanks you guys .. it's just hard because religion and/or the non-belief thereof, is a big deal to some people ... and I need to approach it from a non-religious standpoint - a neutral area, if you will.

But I thank you all for your comments :)
i know a pagan who has email and access to im if you re interested. i'm an atheist raised catholic, if you have any q's then pm me :)
wow, i was also raised as catholic.

being atheist after being catholic must be a commie thing :D