A question for the anti-war

Re: The anti-war crowd is pro-terrorism

I still think you guys don't get it. Round up 100 Iraqi citizens. Okay, now point out to me by sight which are the enemy. I'd love to decimate the terrorists, I just don't want to kill a lot of innocent civilians in the process. A terrorist looks just like everyone else until you catch him in the act. When they shoot at us, by all means shoot back. If we shoot first then that makes us the bad guys. If we simply pull back and leave them to their own devices then everything we did there becomes moot. I don't know if Iraq can become a nation, but I think at this point honor demands we try.
anti-war equals anti-American

So will you cling to that flawless logic
once carbombs start going off in your
local neighborhood Wal-Mart???

I case you don't no nuthin' 'bout this kinda stuff
(counter insurgency)
I'd love to tell ya how it all werks but you'd either find
something you didn't believe or poo poo the ideas anyhow.
(Phoenix pr
Wanna see a forced relocation of the Baathists in Fallujah half into the Kurds area (oh they'd take care of them just fine) and the other half into the South where they are loved to Death?

How long would it take the next time a bunch of these guys started causing shit before the locals turned them all in? What we can’t use the same techniques that Saddam used
to keep these people in line? Nope but the Iraqis can that’s one reason we turned it
over to them so fast. Wait til the stories of Iraq atrocities start flowing ‘round!
anti-war hoes

If there was a crew of doods down the street on your blocks that kept taking shots at American convoys wouldn't you either drop the dime on them go down there and blast em' your self or join em'?
If the average Iraq won't make one of those three choices
but sit idly by and await his/her fate then they get what they deserve.

Pick a side and get with the program.
Those in the middle get smacked down everytime!
Re: The anti-war crowd is pro-terrorism

chcr said:
I still think you guys don't get it. Round up 100 Iraqi citizens. Okay, now point out to me by sight which are the enemy. I'd love to decimate the terrorists, I just don't want to kill a lot of innocent civilians in the process. A terrorist looks just like everyone else until you catch him in the act. When they shoot at us, by all means shoot back. If we shoot first then that makes us the bad guys. If we simply pull back and leave them to their own devices then everything we did there becomes moot. I don't know if Iraq can become a nation, but I think at this point honor demands we try.

I get it. I believe the world doesn't get it. If what you say is true (I agree) then they cannot be covered by the Geneva Convention (remember the part about uniforms). You (the collective version) can not have it both ways. Either they are fighters &all the worlds a stage or they are illegal combatants. And Winky is correct...pick a side because the middle is messy.
Re: The anti-war crowd is pro-terrorism

Gonz said:
pick a side because the middle is messy.
I pick a side on every single issue. Sometimes its the liberal side, sometimes it's the conservative side. More frequently it's neither. Pick a side. :disgust: Moron!
They picked a side. The wrong one but there is honor in at least picking.

It's a medieval way of dealing death, put before the world's eyes by a 21st-century medium.

Beheadings such as that of American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr. in Saudi Arabia add a new layer of horror to militant attacks, and al-Qaida-linked groups have turned to the tactic to drive away Westerners -- and bring glory to themselves among supporters.

And it's simple to carry out. A victim is snatched, shown bound and menaced by masked gunmen, then days later is killed and beheaded. The bloody images are videotaped, photographed and posted on the Internet.

What began as a gruesome form of bloodshed in war zones such as Kashmir, Chechnya and the southern Philippines has moved to the Middle East, with at least two Americans decapitated in just over a month in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

"It's a political, psychological ploy to show the enemy is merciless, vengeful and will stop at nothing," Richard Murphy, a former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, told The Associated Press. Militants know "what will cause maximum shock in the Western public and particularly the American public."

LA Daily News

Not one voice in the wilderness.
they are all gonna DIE

Ah fergit about those TWO hapless Dudes Dood!

Check it out how we pushed the button yesterday
in that neighborhood in Fallujah
Now that's the way Americans 'terrorize'!

First of all we blast our combatants not innocent civilians Oh well sorry I'm certain there were a ton of innocent civilians in that area but oh well sorry Charlie that's what you get for hangin' with the bad guys. Think of it this way, put yourself in their shoes. If I knew that living around these slugs was going to most likely get me and mine blown to bits I'd have to choose. Either join em' or fight em'
For those of you with short attention spans ol Georgie tolded these pricks either your on the side of freedom or your on the side of the terrorists. Pick a side, choose get with the program and get your fight on. (or drop a dime on these MoFo’s and wheel come and git em ‘ fer Ya) But don't think for a minute that you can just sit around be neutral and not suffer some collateral damage. The folks in the WTC and Pentagon didn't know there was a War on we no longer have THAT excuse!

If these slimeballs DO pull off another major attack in the US then watch out
we are already mad as Hell now we are comin’ fer ya and the gloves are off!!!
Re: they are all gonna DIE

I give up.

I simply do not have the intestinal fortitude to deal with the obtuseness.

Nice selective reading, BTW.
A question for those who support the terrorists

Thank you!
You typed it.
I read it.
You gave up.
That's it!