A scary video

Great...now match it up with a few other charts to see what the impact is with the cash influx and what it would be without the cash influx. Nice charts would be...jobless rate, number of bankruptcies, home sales v. foreclosures, the DJIA, the GDP, etc.
Great...now match it up with a few other charts to see what the impact is with the cash influx and what it would be without the cash influx. Nice charts would be...jobless rate, number of bankruptcies, home sales v. foreclosures, the DJIA, the GDP, etc.

... buying power ...
Great...now match it up with a few other charts to see what the impact is with the cash influx and what it would be without the cash influx. Nice charts would be...jobless rate, number of bankruptcies, home sales v. foreclosures, the DJIA, the GDP, etc.

Look at the years...it's all recent enough to recall from memory.
Just a personal opinion, but, even with the use of charts and graphs Glen Beck is the most unreliable source of information in the political environ.
What makes him unreliable?

He's a Conservative; and any idiot with no brain knows all conservatives are unreliable.

It doesn't matter whether his facts are accurate or not. What matters is the source which disseminates them. CNN, or Michael Moore, or Wolf Blitzer, or Al Franken could say the exact same words, using the exact same chart, using the exact same presentation and it would then be reliable.

Its the source that counts, not the facts.
eh, I've been planning a larger garden anyway....

now where'd I put that tractor key....
What makes him unreliable?

Beck admits he has trouble keeping up with changes and anyone who listens to him with an open mind and knows news reports of the day easily decipher his messages are filled with distortions and out of context material dedicated to those who want to hear the slanted and incorrect versions of information spoon fed to those seeking right wing rhetoric.
There are a few examples on this website of his racism, ignorance, unreliable and inflammatory program content.

Olberman, now there's a knight of integrity.

After reading the link, I can admit that Beck said nothing wrong. Context is everything.
Beck admits he has trouble keeping up with changes and anyone who listens to him with an open mind and knows news reports of the day easily decipher his messages are filled with distortions and out of context material dedicated to those who want to hear the slanted and incorrect versions of information spoon fed to those seeking right wing rhetoric.
There are a few examples on this website of his racism, ignorance, unreliable and inflammatory program content.


Beck is a moron of incredible magnitude. :laugh: