A shining light to find the toilet

Man, why didn't I have on of those when I was drinking? Used to get really sick of waking up only to discover that I'd pissed in the wardrobe :eh:
my husband drank an 18 pack one night and proceeded to try and pee in the litterbox....i managed to redirect him in time.....
tonks said:
my husband drank an 18 pack one night and proceeded to try and pee in the litterbox....i managed to redirect him in time.....

But why? I'd kill for a husband that was litterbox trained! :lol2:
Rose said:
But why? I'd kill for a husband that was litterbox trained! :lol2:
yeah....but i doubt he would have had the aim to get the pee thrgough the privacy cover..........
tonks said:
my husband drank an 18 pack one night and proceeded to try and pee in the litterbox....i managed to redirect him in time.....

I once fell in the litterbox.......girlfriend at the time wasn't impressed :eh:
I once had a room mate who got drunk and walked in the kitchen and whizzed all over the garbage can. Too bad it had a top on it *piss2*
i am very particular about where i pee....this presented a problem at mardi gras...but being ever ingenuitive, i solved that problem as quickly as possible. i think the strangest place i've ever peed was a sink....lame, huh?
You'd have been better off just taking the privacy cover off the litter box. Especially if you have that litter that clumps up when it gets wet. :D