A socialists dream

you don't get no free stuff. you got the best deal you earned.

but, i guess it don't work that way anymore.
it is if there's a riot going on.

Don't they have a back door there?

It just looked like a setup of some kind to me.
I heard they were going to triple the cost of tuition.
Anyone know what tuition costs there?
I don't know what tuition is there, but it seems to me that
with that many protesting, they could just make a pact to not
go for a year, and they'd probably cave and drop the prices. (boycott)
Less money is better than no money.
Geez, don't the college kids even know anything about how to work capitalism?
Oh, oh yeah, I forgot...it's Britain.
The socialists dream becomes America's nightmare.

Who cares about the Brits wasn't their
day in the Sun over and done
a hundred years ago?

I heard they were going to triple the cost of tuition.
Anyone know what tuition costs there?


Does it really matter? If they were to charge 10grand a quarter, does that, in any way, give these animals the right to riot?

Although, these is hardly real students. There're agendas at work here.
Yeah, it does matter.
$1 to $3...oh well
$100k to $300k...major problem

I never said rioting was a good idea. Actually, never said a thing about rioting...

Maybe we'll get to know the agendas with the next release from Wikileaks...
Not an issues if its a right or not. If the cost of a higher education suddenly triples, a sizable portion of the populace will suddenly be cut off from the prospect of a higher education.

It should be an affordable option for everyone, not just the wealthiest.

When I went back to school I attended a local community college, mostly because of the cost. If the tuition suddenly tripled, that would have put the tuition in the area of a major college in Boston and would have effectively wiped out my chances of any type of higher education. I, most definitely, would not have been happy. Would I have rioted? Depends on how long it took me to get in to a program and how close I was to graduating. If I had just been accepted, maybe not. If I was a semester away from finishing, probably.

I would imagine its not the kids of wealthy parents out there causing a ruckus but the kids that are already struggling to pay for said higher education that just saw their future potentially being ruined by outrageous tuition hikes they can no longer afford.
It should be an affordable option for everyone, not just the wealthiest.

Then your answer is yes.

I would imagine its not the kids of wealthy parents out there causing a ruckus but the kids that are already struggling to pay for said higher education that just saw their future potentially being ruined by outrageous tuition hikes they can no longer afford.

You're close. It's a few students being led around by their nosering.
No. It should be an affordable option.
A "right" implies everyone should have it regardless.
Should be indicates a right. Ought to be indicates a desire.

It would be wonderful if we could all go to school for free. Looking at the public education in the USA, I'd say it would destroy the value.
If they want free schooling they should sell off those large old inefficient buildings and purchase some some smaller trailer like structures that can be operated cheaply with no frilly landscaping expenses. As well as be staffed by teachers who will work for dog-food.

If you think it's you right, you get what you pay for.