A tradition of diplomacy

How much you want to bet GW Bozo, er I mean Bush is never even considered for such an honor shared by Carter, Clinton, and his own pappy?!?

CNN said:
Analysis: Bill Clinton as a diplomatic fix-it man

By Elise Labott
CNN State Department Producer

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It was a heartwarming sight: Laura Ling and Euna Lee landing on U.S. soil and being reunited with their families.
To their elation of their families, Bill Clinton returned to the U.S. with journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee.

To their elation of their families, Bill Clinton returned to the U.S. with journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee.

Then, after an appropriate amount of time for hugs and kisses, Bill Clinton appeared, descending from his movie-producer friend's plane like an angel from heaven.

An emotional Ling practically referred to the former president as a messiah, describing to the media and well-wishers waiting at the airport how she and Lee thought they were being sent to a hard-labor camp, only to walk through a door to find Clinton. The crowd broke into loud applause.

For all of those who wondered what Bill would do in Hillary Clinton's diplomatic world, wonder no longer.

As details of the Clinton mission came out, it was revealed that the North Koreans themselves asked for Clinton, promising amnesty for the women upon delivery of the former president, whose visit eluded them while he was in office. The deal was done even before Clinton stepped on the plane.

So what is next for Bill Clinton?

If the mere thought of a meeting with him is enough to move a regime notorious for never moving, can the Obama administration use that star power to rescue three American hikers who ventured into Iran and are believed to be held by Iranian authorities? Can Clinton head off two Russian attack submarines cruising in the Atlantic off the East Coast of the United States?
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Former presidents are used as envoys and undertake humanitarian missions all the time.

Then-President Clinton used former President Jimmy Carter to travel to North Korea in 1994 to negotiate the end to the first nuclear crisis. Clinton and his predecessor, George H.W. Bush, were tapped by Bush's son, then-President George W. Bush, to lead relief efforts to help Asian and African nations devastated by the 2004 tsunami and again in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina.

But the relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Obama is complex, to say the least. After a bitter-fought battle during the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton supporters were looking for a robust role for her in exchange for her support of Obama, with many even suggesting her as a possible candidate for vice president.

That idea was short-lived. The Obama team wanted Hillary far from the West Wing. And they wanted Bill even farther.

When Obama tapped Hillary to be his secretary of state, there was no shortage of critics who asserted that her husband's global foundation and role as a high-paid public speaker would present a conflict of interest. The Clintons agreed to strict rules of the road to avoid such conflicts going forward.

However Hillary never demurred in her praise for what her husband has accomplished, both during his eight years in the White House or post-presidency. Hillary herself has said she considered her husband a trusted adviser and could even consider him using him where appropriate. He is a former president, after all.

Bill Clinton has largely stayed out of the limelight, quietly continuing his globetrotting on behalf of the world's poor and downtrodden. In May, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon appointed him as the United Nations' special envoy to Haiti in an effort to refocus international attention on the Caribbean country's deep economic problems and environmental decay.

But with the success of his North Korean mission so quick and easy, it's conceivable that Bill Clinton could add the role of "diplomatic cleaner" to his resume -- a version of Harvey Keitel's role as Winston Wolfe in the movie "Pulp Fiction" -- a fixer of messy problems, which he solves with a combination of stylish charisma and lucid thinking under pressure.

The Obama administration has no shortage of messy foreign policy problems that Hillary Clinton knows could use a Winston Wolfe.

Good news dear brother! The chocolate rations are being increased from 35% to 20%.

This is not aimed at right, left, democrat, republican, liberal, nor conservative (what I am getting at). It isn't even about moderates. Its about a moron who ran our country for eight freaking years! A man who garners almost no respect throughout the world community. You'll notice his father was respected? Idiot son of an asshole will never garner any of that respect.
It surprised me that they sent Mr.Clinton considering the bickering that went on between his wife and the leaders in NK.

He was effective, tho' - gotta give him that much.
Toward the end of or just after his presidency, I saw Clinton do a hilarious stand up routine, cracking jokes about republicans, democrats and even himself. The guy has charm no matter what you think of his politics. I just wish I could find it on you tube, because it was bust a gut funny.
Bubba was missing the spotlight:


WASHINGTON -- Bill Clinton's triumphant return from North Korea with two rescued US journalists had Hollywood written all over it -- from the Burbank airport to the big-time producer who bankrolled the expedition to the celebrity public-relations firm that orchestrated the homecoming.

A key player in Clinton's high-flying diplomatic mission to rescue Laura Ling and Euna Lee was entertainment mogul Steve Bing, a longtime "Friend of Bill" who lent the ex-president his private Boeing 737.

The multimillionaire mogul paid about $200,000 in fuel and other costs that came with the trans-Pacific flight.

Bing's Shangri-La entertainment firm also funded a major logistical effort to carefully showcase Clinton's arrival in Tinseltown -- which featured Ling lauding the former president while almost in tears.

North Korea gins up a crisis every few years to get a new welfare check from us. The Impeached Slick Willy trip was just an excuse to deliver a new round of funds.

we should have sent sarah! they woulda given her the hostages just to get her to shut the fuck up and leave!
How much you want to bet GW Bozo, er I mean Bush is never even considered for such an honor shared by Carter, Clinton, and his own pappy?!?

Honor? You've got to be kidding. This deal was struck & finalized before Slick Willie even knew about it. He's a private citizen with PR value...and Kim Jung Il knew how to use it.
He flew in a Boeing 737...

9 + 11 is 20.

20 + 737 is 757.

Flight 93 was a 757.

Bill Clinton was inaugurated in 1993.

Not only is that bastard getting his dick sucked in the oval office and working out deals with communists, he also planned and executed the 911 attacks! Traitorous scumbag!
The point is, that GWB is just shrubbery from now on. That is unless he ever decides to come clean and give up some Washington dirt on somebody in his ghost written memoirs. Perhaps he can write better than he can speak but with his money, why would he bother? I am sure that Cheney's hands are quite dirty. Probably about 85% of everyone in Washington has dirty hands though so what kind of surprise would it really be?
Altron: Have you aver met a real numerology nutbar? You so type like one, although I'm sure that you're only joking... the real number-nuts are almost as funny to listen to...until you realize that you really should be stepping away slowly and making no sudden movements.