a tribute to ice cream


New Member
so what's your favorite flavor?

mine would be a toss up between Ben & Jerry's Butter Pecan and their Cherry Garcia. incredibly fattening but i savor it...i make a pint last for ages....and heaven forbid someone should polish it off without permission....they'd better sleep with one eye open! ;)
Straight flavor? Maple walnut.

Best way to eat ice cream? Premium vanilla with hot fudge, spanish peanuts and whipped cream. Don't really need the cherry.
any type of ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate chips.
(suprised? ;) )
there's a restaurant here that makes their own pistachio ice cream.... no artificial green coloring, just marvelous pistachio flavor with lots of nuts... Ben and Jerry have a decent version, too :love:

a close runner up would be Haagen Dazs rum raisin :licklips:
NO ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!

I had some very tastey chocolate and vanilla swirl softserve today...and now I have the most horendous bad tummy...ooooomph
All of them ^_^

Dreamery makes pretty damn good anything, and Karmel Sutra is realllllly good ^__^

Rolling meadows Ice cream is also rocking
Vanilla ice cream, with crumbled up oreo cookies........

*wonders if the grocery store is open*
Spot said:
any type of ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate chips.
(suprised? ;) )
not in the slightest bit, dave. ;)
natalie, i've never tried rum raisin and have always wanted to...i vow to buy a pint next time i am in need of more ice cream.

:D I love ice cream! Love it love it!! Ice Cream is the most perfect breakfast in the world. :D

I pretty much like ALL ice cream except for coffee/mocha flavored ones.

My absolute favorite has got to be Mint Chocolate Chip (we rock, Paul!) ;)

But close runners-up (in no particular order) would be:

Butter Pecan
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Butterfinger (the only flavor we ever made at home)

I'll stop here because it's 9:44 am and I don't want to go downstairs to get any ice cream! *lol*
Don't eat the stuff very often :eh: (me sweet tooth seems to be deminishing as I get older :) ).

If I do fancy a lick of something cold and creamy I usually go for a strawberry or blueberry cheesecake flavour :swing:
any one works for me too ... sometimes i'm in the fruity mood, sometimes chocalatey, sometimes nutty :licklips: