About time

ooooooooh that's cold :eek5:

I think I'd say yes and then tell him the truth later in private :eek6:
whew glad this didnt happen in Indiana. how embarassing for the poor sap. guess he will learn to never trust his heart again.
Lessons learned...

1. Never take a precious, private moment like a proposal and make it public and well-watched...
2. If you have doubts about whether you'll get a yes or a no, make sure you get the full effect of embarrassment by making your proposal public. :lol2:
Yeah, but you'd think you'd know if she was going to say yes before you pulled some stunt like that...
well, he deserves that for being such an asshole, 'cause only an asshole would think that a great way to propose is during a sports game :rolleyes:
unless he wants the world to know how much he loves her. but I think personally there are more romantic ways to propose
Luis G said:
well, he deserves that for being such an asshole, 'cause only an asshole would think that a great way to propose is during a sports game :rolleyes:

I'm single now. *heehee* AND!! I know ALOT about engineering!! Do I get points for that?
