Acceptable TV


Well-Known Member
A sketch comedy show with a brand new twist. Each week, 5 "pilot episodes" to new theoretical TV shows are presented. Each pilot episode is no longer than the average attention span (approx. 2-1/2 minutes each).

The viewers are then asked to go online and vote for 2 out of the 5 to come back with all new episodes. The other three will be replaced with all new "baby pilots".

Last week's episode featured:
1- Joke Chasers
2 - Who Farted?
3 - Homeless James Bond
4 - The Teensies
5 - Mr. Sprinkles

This week's episode promises the pilot for that brand new police drama...Cirque du Soleil: Sex Crimes Investigations. I don't know about you, but my curiosity is piqued.

Here's the link for Homeless James Bond...Enjoy! :beardbng:
heh, i really enjoyed that homeless james bond!

very well done on anti-banking-can budget!!

Nice one o' soon to-be- pupil!

*evil rat-stroking laughter*