Acting like typical Apparatchiks

I don't claim to be the smartest guy in the world. That's your racket.
I'm here for the paycheck. I never claimed any more than fact
I specified that's not my racket.

So tell us, swami, did you make a nice profit selling your businesses?

if that's not your racket why are you making inquiries into it?

surely there must be something you are good at.

oh, right. complaining.

coulda had that muffin business were it not for gov't oppression.

like i've said before, the only thing holding me back is me.

you seem to have other things holding you back. many other things... to blame...

and you wonder why i think you're a union guy.
it's actually quite easy to get one. they just hand them out to anyone who is thinks they are special enough to have one.

best of luck + i'm sure your friend's online degree will be worth exactly what he puts into it.
He's in his 8th year.
He's got a pretty good job now.
He wants his own firm though.
I thought he was a fool when he first told me years ago, but he's making well into the 6 figures, and working on 7.
if that's not your racket why are you making inquiries into it?

Because you've said you work for others yet you snidely remark about my choices.

coulda had that muffin business were it not for gov't oppression.

Spoken like someone who has never dealt with government regulations with his own money.

like i've said before, the only thing holding me back is me.

you seem to have other things holding you back. many other things... to blame...

and you wonder why i think you're a union guy.

Again, you're confused. I've not met your expectations because I don't wish to. I've said that repeatedly.
You also seem to confuse complaining with observation. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat
it. Because you miss the pattern that is squarely in front of you is your ignorance, not mine.
Because you've said you work for others yet you snidely remark about my choices.

ummmkay... your choices and your rhetoric are worlds apart, THAT is what the "snide" remarks are about. it's amusing that you talk like supercapitalist and grumpy union turd at the same time. although at least your behaviors and trajectory are consistent with said union turdiness.

your weird attachment to the idea of starting a business has to be about the stupidest thing i've ever heard. but i guess you need something to cling to. even though you deflect questions about it. curious. maybe it's a paper route. or equivalent.

Spoken like someone who has never dealt with government regulations with his own money.

yes that's right little buddy you just try to put that back on me. you know why the muffin shop could not open? lack of willingness to risk sufficient capital. sure there are gov't hoops, but you are too struck by inertia to even make it to the hoops to jump. you'd rather bitch about other people holding you back. that is what you do. i'm pretty sure that i am personally holding you back because it's me and my kind that are wrong with america, as you've said many times. but gee gonz, i create at least as much value as you do, so what does that say?

to me that says big mouth no balls.

Again, you're confused. I've not met your expectations because I don't wish to. I've said that repeatedly.
You also seem to confuse complaining with observation. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat
it. Because you miss the pattern that is squarely in front of you is your ignorance, not mine.

right you see the pattern and the rest of us are doomed to faggy obviousness like "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." and as a real hero, you are doing your part to stop this horrible pattern from continuing, through continual whining.


life is not fair. it helps if you work hard. often working hard is rewarded. sometimes it is not. there are bad people out there that will steal your milk money. thank you for your attention. now shut the fuck up and get back to the salt mines.
Projections. Nothing you've said about me is true (well, maybe the bitching part)

Please, go back & find out where I've claimed anyone has held me back. Good luck.
I do find it interesting that in your world, one cannot be a capitalist unless one risks
capital. So, that means you cannot have opinions on marriage? or abortion? or homosexuality?

Damn you're dumb for a college guy
Projections. Nothing you've said about me is true (well, maybe the bitching part)

Please, go back & find out where I've claimed anyone has held me back. Good luck.
I do find it interesting that in your world, one cannot be a capitalist unless one risks
capital. So, that means you cannot have opinions on marriage? or abortion? or homosexuality?

Damn you're dumb for a college guy

yeah it's all lies.

projections. that's rich. conspiracy boy has the same idea. gee maybe i wouldn't have to project if you ACTUALLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS. but i guess when the rubber hits the road is where you step off. him too. maybe you guys can share a basement someday?


i'm not about to go searching through reams of your bullshit puss-out defeatism but the muffin shop is a fine example. you blamed gov't regs.

yeah um capitalism and risk go together. kinda capitalism 101 there ace. and you're calling me dumb? and what is this shit about homos and marriage? what the fuck are you talking about?
Tell ya what, you go spend 25 times more than you need to make government happy. If you find
that financially sound, you're dumber than you act.

I employ exactly as many as you do....

As for the rest, right over your head
Tell ya what, you go spend 25 times more than you need to make government happy. If you find
that financially sound, you're dumber than you act.

what? what are you even talking about?

you think i'm endorsing taxes and regulation of businesses because i think you're too dim to get over some muffin hurdles?

get out of the fucking kiddie pool dude.

As for the rest, right over your head

do please explain. what did i miss? spell it out. clearly.