Actual Classified Ads


New Member
FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old. Hateful little dog. Bites
FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog
FREE PUPPIES... Part German Shepherd, part stupid dog
GERMAN SHEPHERD 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German. Free
FOUND: DIRTY WHITE DOG. Looks like a rat ... been out awhile.
Better be reward.
COWS, CALVES NEVER BRED... Also 1 gay bull for sale
NORDIC TRACK $300 Hardly used, call Chubby
GEORGIA PEACHES, California grown - 89 cents lb.
NICE PARACHUTE: Never opened - used once
JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer $300

FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45
volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000 or best offer. No longer
needed.Got married last month. Wife knows everything.
More Bumper stickers :)

So much roadkill, so little recipes!
Warning: Driver only carries $20 worth of ammunition.

If pro is the opposite of con, does that mean PROgress is the opposite of CONgress?

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.

All men are created equal......Poor things!

I got this truck for my wife! Pretty good trade huh?

Save the whales... collect the whole set!

Honk if you like Hanson, then run into a tree!