Add more details to personal info?


New Member
You know how it says where the person is from under their name when they post? I think we should add Age and Sex to that area. That could prevent a lot of misunderstandings. :) It'd also give you a better idea of who you are talking to (a kid, an old grandma).
Well what if I make a really clever remark that totally disses some guy's manhood, but it turns out to be a girl? :D
That actually happened on HWC. A member who shall remain nameless made a smarmy comment about doing my doing what I like with his body and someone came along with an 8o and said "hey, that's like asking him to rape you man" so after I got done laughing I posted back to explain, but twas quite funny. That situation can arise. However, hypothetically would this be mandatory? I don't always want to advertise my sex, absolutely not my age. I'd prefer to share that when I feel comfortable.
I think any info that someone gives should be up to them. It's none of your business that I am an African American female.

oops. Did I say that? 8o