adore my children

Your kids are adorable tonksy! They have the most beautiful, bright eyes. :)
You truly are blessed. Maybe one day I will be so lucky.... :D
tonks said:
everyone thinks theirs is the's normal :winkkiss:

My mom told me in October that her cousin's baby is the prettiest baby she has EVER seen in her whole entire life. She got some MAJOR MAJOR cut eye and a very bitchy "Excuse me?!" for THAT one and then said "Except you and Kyle of course" (Kyle being my brother)....grrrrr

They are really adorable though. The little one got your eyes, eh? Beautiful!
Rose said:
I think it's rather neat, Fleur!

Well, there's a story behind my av picture. I'm a Southern Belle wannabe at heart, I mean I'm completely infatuated with the Confederacy in the antebellum and Civil War era. (for God's sakes, I want to buy Oak Alley and Rosedown! Or at least live in Louisiana, never been, but love the place) I've always wanted to have a reenactment costume, but alas, I am a broke sixteen year old loser. My family and I went to Ocean City about two summers ago, and we got that taken. That picture is the closest I've been to my costume and dream. Sigh. It's all very tragic.
If you achieve your dream, look out for the people who can't see the Confederacy for anything but slavery. "States' rights issue? BS! They just wanted to keep the black man down!" :rolleyes:
Hmmmm, touchy subject for me to start on. Don't want to share my opinions and be declared 'racist' for a small slip. Aaaanyway, the Confederacy is not all about State's Rights and slavery, there was more, as I'm sure you know.
had to share:

the scene: marlowe and james are getting in the car about to leave for the library.

marlowe: daddy! what's that song?
daddy: that song's called guns 'n roses.
marlowe: ooh! mommy loves this song!

that's my girl :)
I was out of town when this thread ran through the paces. I have been negligent in adoring Tonkys girls. I shall do so now.

*starts adoring*