ads that get to you

Luis G

Staff member
Today while I was driving to uni I saw one of those ads that really caught your attention.

It was a really cute girl, about 10 years old, with some makeup and a hairstyle that really fit. First thing I thought was "fashion for little girls ad", but then I saw a legend that read (in spanish): porn star. Needless to say, it had quite an impact on me, at the bottom of the ad there was a phone number to report anything related to child porn.

What was the last ad that had an impact on you?
This one...for the Homeless was very good. In my business, I see far too many ads. They become a blur, and I sometimes over-analyse them (what's good/bad/ugly/can I steal).


Most don't have an emotional impact on me. A few make me smile or laugh.
In the uk there have always been some pretty shocking anti-speeding adverts. One of the most powerful is this advert that starts with a girl lying against a tree, all broken up and dead, basically. Then the video plays backwards in slow motion, and all her limbs click back into place with a really sickening sound and the blood seeps backwards into her body, and then you see her slide in reverse across the road.

The voice over of the girl says "Hit me at 40 and there's an 80% chance i'll die."

Then at the end, when she's alive again, it says "Hit me at 30, and there's an 80% chance I'll live."
There are a few for Bell Mobility that are good for a laugh or two.
One reads:

1 cell phone camera
2 megapixels

*Photography skill not included

With a picture of the two Beaver mascots, head's cut off by the top edge :)
there are commericals for VW's where people are just driving, minding their own business, and then SMASH! they get in a car accident. and the point is that the car is safe and no one gets hurt, but you feel like youre right there with the driver, feeling the shock of the moment of impact.
and i saw a commercial for nationwide insurance last night, where a woman is driving and she has a baby in a carseat in the back seat, and they get in an accident, and everyone's fine, but my natural womanly mothering instinct made me go OMG THE CHILD!!!! and he was ok. but i was really really freaked out. even though it's just a commercial.
i don't like those kinds of commercials because they play a little too strongly on my emotions. the first time i saw one of those VW ads, i cried. for me, car accidents are injurious even if no one gets hurt, because of the psychological impact.
I always liked the one when the new Ford Mustang came out where they revved the engine up and down to get different tones from the exhaust notes and played the Star-Spangled Banner with it.

Then there's the old classic...
Head On, apply directly to the forehead. Head On, apply directly to the forehead. Head On, apply directly to the forehead. Head On is available without a prescription at retailers nationwide.
and the headon ones where the people interrupt to state that despite the anoyingness of the commercials, they appreciate the product. i like the one with the guy with the deep voice who's like, "your product is AMAAAAZING"
i have the song that's in your favorite :) took me a lot of googling, but i found it out. it's by royskopp. pretend the second o has an umlaut.
I actually like the majority of the NFL Network commercials...and the Coors Light commercials that splice in the NFL coaches during press conferences.