Advantages of being vegan

Luis G said:
LL just ignored my last comment about plants being living beings :elaugh2:

LastLegionary said:
HomeLAN said:
Tip: Humans are OMNIVORES!

Seems to me that it might be healthier to get a balance of nutrients by eating all types of food.
I fully agree, and other living beings aren't food. :p

Luis G said:
but this is a fact: PLANTS ARE LIVING BEINGS.

Look Luis, I'm really getting tired of you pointing out every fucking detail. Can you at least try to comprehend that there is a difference between the plan and animal kingdom? Normal people would reason that since I said "other living beings" I meant animals, or creatures with higher brain functions. Plants do not exhibit higher brain functions. Now while I was scientifically incorrect, most people would follow the line of reason and know what I mean. So start thinking ok? Its fucking annoying that you squibble about the smallest little detail that is obvious to the normal person (see the C++ / UNIX thread too). :grumpy:
LastLegionary said:
Look Luis, I'm really getting tired of you pointing out every fucking detail. Can you at least try to comprehend that there is a difference between the plan and animal kingdom? Normal people would reason that since I said "other living beings" I meant animals, or creatures with higher brain functions. Plants do not exhibit higher brain functions. Now while I was scientifically incorrect, most people would follow the line of reason and know what I mean. So start thinking ok? Its fucking annoying that you squibble about the smallest little detail that is obvious to the normal person (see the C++ / UNIX thread too). :grumpy:

Dude, you started that attitude with me a long time ago, always twisting my words, and interpreting the wrong meaning of "ambiguos" things i said. Since you do that all the time, i don't see why you are so bothered with it.
Geez, LL. Lighten up. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you're perfect. :grumpy: It also doesn't give you the right to castigate Luis for pointing out a simple fact. Plants, like it or not, are living beings. You can't have it both ways. You kill to eat just as much as the person who hunts deer. Nobody here is making fun of you, at least that I know of, about your dietary habits. To be honest, nobody really cared until you started your vegan propaganda campaign. Most people eat meat. You don't. Deal with it.
Gato_Solo said:
Geez, LL. Lighten up. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you're perfect. :grumpy: It also doesn't give you the right to castigate Luis for pointing out a simple fact. Plants, like it or not, are living beings. You can't have it both ways. You kill to eat just as much as the person who hunts deer. Nobody here is making fun of you, at least that I know of, about your dietary habits. To be honest, nobody really cared until you started your vegan propaganda campaign. Most people eat meat. You don't. Deal with it.
Not propaganda. I only tried to point out some advantages. And, there is a difference between plans and animals regardless of what you think. When I referred to "not eating other living things", I should perhaps have stated "not eating other living things with a central nervous system and higher brain functions that appears in the cerebral cortex". Sorry for being so inaccurate that you didn't quite get my meaning.
I got your meaning. You didn't get mine. What you stated, however scientific it sounds/reads, is propaganda. You're vegan. I'm not. Also...when you start throwing terms around like higher brain functions, you also have to throw in that plants don't have wars, don't pollute, don't rape, don't do drugs, and seem to lead a rather peaceful and intelligent life. Think that over a bit...;)
Gato_Solo said:
I got your meaning. You didn't get mine. What you stated, however scientific it sounds/reads, is propaganda. You're vegan. I'm not. Also...when you start throwing terms around like higher brain functions, you also have to throw in that plants don't have wars, don't pollute, don't rape, don't do drugs, and seem to lead a rather peaceful and intelligent life. Think that over a bit...;)
Well then it is propeganda... its also the truth. :p And I don't really think plants are consciously aware of the peaceful and intelligent life they lead. :)
Gato_Solo said:
Geez, LL. Lighten up. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you're perfect. :grumpy: It also doesn't give you the right to castigate Luis for pointing out a simple fact. Plants, like it or not, are living beings. You can't have it both ways. You kill to eat just as much as the person who hunts deer. Nobody here is making fun of you, at least that I know of, about your dietary habits. To be honest, nobody really cared until you started your vegan propaganda campaign. Most people eat meat. You don't. Deal with it.
I bristle a bit when one uses the word 'rights' inappropriately. There are no rights that cover merely taking a tanget, going askew, a contratrarian opinion, yelling, cursing, lying, in a general conversation other than the First Ammendment, which would only be a guarrantor in the States. The lad is in another country. Who knows how jurisdiction plays out in that way? Its pretty much the Wild West in here with the rules being applied in an emotional and uneven manner depending upon who pisses off who and for what reason. At best this place has rules and guidelines... not rights. Unless the UN has included internation communications under its umbrella. In that case, hurting someones feelings is listed under genocide... no foolin'.
unclehobart said:
Gato_Solo said:
Geez, LL. Lighten up. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you're perfect. :grumpy: It also doesn't give you the right to castigate Luis for pointing out a simple fact. Plants, like it or not, are living beings. You can't have it both ways. You kill to eat just as much as the person who hunts deer. Nobody here is making fun of you, at least that I know of, about your dietary habits. To be honest, nobody really cared until you started your vegan propaganda campaign. Most people eat meat. You don't. Deal with it.
I bristle a bit when one uses the word 'rights' inappropriately. There are no rights that cover merely taking a tanget, going askew, a contratrarian opinion, yelling, cursing, lying, in a general conversation other than the First Ammendment, which would only be a guarrantor in the States. The lad is in another country. Who knows how jurisdiction plays out in that way? Its pretty much the Wild West in here with the rules being applied in an emotional and uneven manner depending upon who pisses off who and for what reason. At best this place has rules and guidelines... not rights. Unless the UN has included internation communications under its umbrella. In that case, hurting someones feelings is listed under genocide... no foolin'.
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
Gato_Solo said:
Geez, LL. Lighten up. Just because you're a vegan doesn't mean you're perfect. :grumpy: It also doesn't give you the right to castigate Luis for pointing out a simple fact. Plants, like it or not, are living beings. You can't have it both ways. You kill to eat just as much as the person who hunts deer. Nobody here is making fun of you, at least that I know of, about your dietary habits. To be honest, nobody really cared until you started your vegan propaganda campaign. Most people eat meat. You don't. Deal with it.
I bristle a bit when one uses the word 'rights' inappropriately. There are no rights that cover merely taking a tanget, going askew, a contratrarian opinion, yelling, cursing, lying, in a general conversation other than the First Ammendment, which would only be a guarrantor in the States. The lad is in another country. Who knows how jurisdiction plays out in that way? Its pretty much the Wild West in here with the rules being applied in an emotional and uneven manner depending upon who pisses off who and for what reason. At best this place has rules and guidelines... not rights. Unless the UN has included internation communications under its umbrella. In that case, hurting someones feelings is listed under genocide... no foolin'.
Not that it means that Im not laughing at you as well for being all: 'prove this and disprove that' on tangible small fry stuff and then on the other side of the coin being dead opposite on religion. You... er... all of us hide behind wall of convenience depending upon the constraints of personal beliefs.
Then I'm an ignorant, uninformed idiot. I don't care. I eat plants because they don't have higher brain functions and aren't alive in the sense that animals are alive. ;)
Its all immaterial anyway. All food is either living tissue or explioted in nature. Eat a plant, a cow, milk, spiking a tree for sap... its all hugsy touchy hooey semantics. Until they find a way to extract fat, carbos, protein from rocks... im going to do what im going to do to stay alive... or at least maintain the status quo.
I can't prove that plants are intelligent any more than you can prove they aren't. If I give you a test in, say, Navajo, and you've never spoken, read, or even heard of Navajo, how well do you think you'd do? How silly do you think you'd look handing a plant a pen and , uhh, paper (a major offense if you're a plant, I'm sure), and asking the plant to write a dissertation on why it's being exploited for food and/or clothing? Come on now...:rolleyes:

Human beings kill to live, be it plants, animals, insects, etc. Just because your way seems more peaceful, you look at me, and behave superior. You kill, too, but at least my way actually preserves the oxygen for us 'higher' thinkers...:rolleyes: