Africa wants your money


molṑn labé
Staff member
and Bob Geldof is giving it (anybody remember the Boomtown Rats?).

The playlist for the Woe is Us Festival

2pm GMT Start

Paul McCartney/U2
Sgt Peppers lonley hearts band


Bono Introduces Coldplay

In My Place
Fix You
Bitter Sweet Sym, With Richard Ashcroft

Little Britain introduce Elton John
Elton John
Sat Nights Alright for fighting
Butch Is Back
Children Of The Revolution, With Pete Doherty

Life For Rent
White Flag
Thank You


The One I Love
Losing My Religion
Imitaion Of Life
Everybody Hurts

Ms Dynamite
Judgment Day
Redempiton Song

Everybodys Changing
Somewhere only we know

Why does it always rain on me

Annie Lennox
Walking on broken glass
Sisters are doing it for themselfs
Sweet dreams


Snoop Dogg

Somehwree else
Golden touch

Like A Prayer
Ray of light

Snow Patrol

Joss Stone
I had a dream
super duper love

Scissor Sisters
Take your mamma

Velvet Revolver

The Killers

Message in a bottel
Dersert Rose
Every Breath You Take
Mariah Carey
Vision on love
Make it happen

Robbie Williams
Let me entertain you
Rock DJ

The Who
Won't get fooled again
Baba O'Riley

Pink Floyd
Comfortly Numb
Wish you were here

Paul McCartney
the Long and winding road

Finale App: 20:45 GMT

Do they know is it christmas

All artists who can stay till end, and also some other surprise guests


Rarely mentioned on these occasions are the equally, if not more impressive numbers of people who will not be tuning in.

I will be one of them.

I watched Live Aid. I was depressed by the mullet-headed music, that puzzling logo of a fretboard protruding from the African continent, and resented being browbeaten by multi-millionaires to empty my pockets.

And then there was the euphoria of the crowd, which reached a worrying zenith when they clapped along to Queen's Radio Ga-Ga.

What were they feeling so victorious about? Did they actually think that Africa had been saved by David Bowie's gracious decision to appear onstage alongside Status Quo?

Just watched some of it and nearly hurled due to the level of hypocrisy. How can an artist dripping in gold and diamonds, wearing goods made in sweatshops tell me about the plight in Africa. I know they're fairly stupid but that really takes the piss, don't they know how the diamonds are dug out of the ground?
I've been watching on and off all day. Floyd with Roger Waters was fucking brilliant. I truly hate the ill-informed mc's of MTV and VH1. I doubt they know who half these people are.
Madonna never did care about little African children
Bono, lead singer of U2, said: "This is our moment, this is our time, this is our chance to stand up for what is right. Three thousand Africans, mostly children, die every day of mosquito bites. We can fix that. Nine thousand people dying every die of a preventable, treatable disease like Aids. We have got the drugs. We can help them."
Buy them DDT & rubbers

Actor Brad Pitt said: "By the time this concert ends this evening, 30,000 Africans will have died because of extreme poverty. By this time tomorrow evening, another 30,000. This does not make sense.
They'll all be dead by a week from Thursday & we can go for coffee...

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said: "I came here to show support for all the millions of people in the world who stand to benefit if the Millennium Development Goals are reached, especially the children who will be saved from malaria or Aids, who will grow up healthy, go to school and have the chance to earn their living and enjoy life. I also came to express my thanks to the artists who are devoting their time and talents to such a vital cause."

He forgot to mention enriching his son...

Broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby said: "I am here because, like you, I know it is an obscenity that 50,000 die every day unnecessarily as a consequence of poverty. I have seen, touched, heard and smelt the dying and the dead - often in very large numbers."

Oh hell, he & Brad need to work on thier numbers
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
These people can't be helped enough to make a real difference.
I don't care how much money you throw at it.
Hell there's citizens in this country that need "major" help.
Why aren't they concerned about them?
Because we're a capitalistic society. People can help themselves.

What Africas countries need is more Nike & fewer handouts.
Gonz said:
Because we're a capitalistic society. People can help themselves.

I disagree. Some people are at a deadlock in there situations.
There are different reasons, but there are circumstances that are near,
if not totally, impossible to dig out of.
The exceptions made welfare a reasonable expectation. Welfare made prisoners of us all.
Gonz said:
The exceptions made welfare a reasonable expectation. Welfare made prisoners of us all.
I'll have to agree with you there, in part.
They've made it so that it's more profitable not to try.
Personally I could get back into the mainstream work force if they would
change the current setup probably. The way it is though if I try, and just
can't do it, or get in between jobs, I'm screwed because the help will totally
stop without much hope of getting it back.
If they'd make a provision where I could make unlimited moneys for say 6 mos,
without repercussions of any kind, then say put it on hold unless/if/when I
had to have it again without an act of God, I'd be job hunting.
I'm not on welfare per se', but it's basically the same I think.
I'm really not sure how welfare works.
Sure you are.
Main Entry: 1wel·fare
Pronunciation: 'wel-"far, -"fer
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from the phrase wel faren to fare well
1 : the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity
2 a : aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need b : an agency or program through which such aid is distributed

Since I'm unfamiliar with your specifics, and what little I do know, you're not one of the cheats. However, even SSI retirement is welfare. I have a couple of in-laws who are exactly what the SSI disability program was written for, and can't get it. I know of several lazy fat fucks with no ambition, who do get it, thereby cheating the system. Parity?

No matter how you look at it, you have the ability to better yourself & your situation. Entrepeneurs don't have to do physical labor or tedious mundane work (though, those who do prosper) ;)
no I don't think I'm a cheat. At least according to the judge I'm not.
I don't have a slight opportunity to better my standings, but I do still
know people far worse that can't.

To me, welfare is something somebody got/gets for nothing.
I paid in for years to draw the current amount I was awarded.
The gov. screwed up big time when they switched over to the pay as you go system.
That's why I'm so much for the privatization thing. It won't benefit me, but
it will my nieces, and nephews, and we need to get away from this
communist bullshit.
Hell we have charities, and look at the live aide shit... The welfare system
needs to be turn completely over to that, and get socialism out of the tax system.
Africa got along dandy with loincloths and pointy sticks for 100,000 years just fine. They scrappled along with farming and hunting like the rest of us and have formed some mighty fine village culture rich in traditions of art and religion. They live in the way that the Greenpeace crowd would have us all hacked down too. Why is it that they are suddenly in dire poverty and in need of 'saving' just because the rest of the world is overrun with McDonalds and Selvester Stallone DVDs and Africa is not? They don't need rock and roll pity coinage... what they need is farkin political stability. We can send over all of the grain barges in the world and it will not matter one iota so long as private geurilla armies armed with rusting AK-47s and castoff 50's military equipment keep seizing the stuff right off the dock.
Anyone remember the old Saturday Night Live skit where Bill Clinton stopped by a McDonald's and intercepted and ate people's Big Macs to demonstrate how Somali warlords were intercepting the food shipments?