Africa wants your money

unclehobart said:
Africa got along dandy with loincloths and pointy sticks for 100,000 years just fine. They scrappled along with farming and hunting like the rest of us and have formed some mighty fine village culture rich in traditions of art and religion. They live in the way that the Greenpeace crowd would have us all hacked down too. Why is it that they are suddenly in dire poverty and in need of 'saving' just because the rest of the world is overrun with McDonalds and Selvester Stallone DVDs and Africa is not? They don't need rock and roll pity coinage... what they need is farkin political stability. We can send over all of the grain barges in the world and it will not matter one iota so long as private geurilla armies armed with rusting AK-47s and castoff 50's military equipment keep seizing the stuff right off the dock.
But, but, they don't live like us, and that is simply not allowed. Who are we supposed to sell sweatshop made sweatsuits to?
C'mon... someone is supposed to say:

It's the G-8 nations grubby military industrial complex that is feeding the demand to strip Africa of its goods. That durn landscape is chock full of pretty rocks, oil, gold, and freaky stuff that noone ever hears about... like chromium. Theyre the ones that keep dumping money directly or indirectly via government level sabre rattling into Africa causing a massive have/have not divide that fuels the cylone of instability in a bid to control the cash pipeline.
LIVE 8 hero Bob Geldof warned G8 leaders yesterday: "Now feel the force of the gale that's hit you."

Two billion people watched 10 rock gigs worldwide to demand aid and justice for poverty-stricken Africa. Organiser Bob said: "It's now for the leaders to act."

*whoosh* Was that a gust or a breeze?

But once the music died, their mass demand for aid and justice seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

Tony Blair flew to Singapore to lobby for London's bid for the 2012 Olympic games, to be decided on Wednesday. No 10 stayed quiet.

Leaders of G8 nations Russia, France and Germany met in the Baltic Sea port of Kaliningrad to discuss summit strategies. But Africa was not on the agenda.

Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder also failed to mention Live 8 or Africa in their press conference later.

Japanese leader Junichiro Koizumi, Italy's Silvio Berlusconi and Canada's Paul Martin stayed mum.

Meanwhile President Bush insisted the US already "led the world" in helping Africa.

Astonishingly, he claimed America did not need to give any more to beating poverty as individuals were so generous at charity. Mr Bush has refused to meet the goal of raising aid to 0.7 per cent of America's gross income.
Yeah, here's one. Let them do it for themselves. Like we did. Doing for oneself is always better than relying on someone else to do for you. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to feel.

I feel for the people who live in regions that do not lend themselves to agriculture. They need assistance with food, and I support giving them that assistance. I also, however, fully agree with the last great Sam Kinison when he said, as only he could say it...

AlladinSane said:
And is there a clue on how to bring them that?
Absolutely. There are dozens of ways to bring such stability about. Such methods tend to be a bit of a poison pill in that societal indentity and uniqueness would be dissolved... along with a few 100,000 deaths in the shakeout phase.
I'll tell you what won't work - throwing a shitload of money at the issue. All that's gonna do is make some asshole dictators even wealthier.
In this I agree with you. Which leaves us with the terrible doubt. Should such dictators be removed from such position? I'm always about leting people in other countries deal with troubles themselves. But are these people able to do it on their own? The level of famine there is monstruous...
Most of them has serious brain formation disorders due to lack of proper nutrition...
Normally I would say 'leave them to their self-generated sorrows' ... but such an idea has become unworkable in the modern age. With the advent of internet and sophisticated chemical and biological crafting, any small nucleus of evil on the planet can affect the rest of the world at a whim. Such evil needs to be smothered.
We should never interfere directly in the affairs
of another sovereign nation.

But a people ruled by a despotic dictator are not a sovereign nation.

Then again the United States shouldn't have to bear the burden,
(the white man's burden, isn't that what the British called it?)
for the whole world.

Are the only properly civilized parts of the world:
North America
Yer-rope (most of it anywho)
and them Jap islands?

If China can transition to the 21st century
and be considered a free nation, it would be a great advancement.

The dark continent will be the last one to come into the light.

Sheesh we aren't even half done getting the cameljockeys
outta their tents fer Christ’s sake!

Give U.S. a sec to finish that!

But imagine if entire the African continent were somehow magically transformed
into the United States of Africa?

One Language. Religious tolerance.

A Republic form of government, modern infrastructure, Disney land, the works!
HomeLAN said:
I'll tell you what won't work - throwing a shitload of money at the issue. All that's gonna do is make some asshole dictators even wealthier.

Not to mention the directors of the charities collecting that money in the first place.
Winky said:
A Republic form of government, modern infrastructure, Disney land, the works!
Disney Africa! The waterpark'd suck with all those people trying to collect potable water at the bottom of the slides, but otherwise :)