Again with the French

Gonz said:
I've been to France. I prefer Pittsburgh

Excuse me? *righteous indignation* Are you saying something bad about my old stompin' grounds? I'd rather spend a lifetime in Pittsburgh than one minute in that featureless landscape you call 'Indiana'. :p
Gato_Solo said:
Excuse me? *righteous indignation* Are you saying something bad about my old stompin' grounds? I'd rather spend a lifetime in Pittsburgh than one minute in that featureless landscape you call 'Indiana'. :p

I only live here. My home is west of the Rockies :p
One of the funniest things I've ever seen was on I-80, about 96 miles east of Ohio (*shudder*) is a sign that reads Highest point on I80 east of the Mississippi gives an elevation of approximately 1800 feet. We had to go down to get to 1800ft ;)
Professur said:
Lemme get this straight. 3 French tourists, and 50 Jews??? If they didn't beat the fuck outta the French, there's something far, far wrong.

Same a could be said of the holocaust....ofcourse factor in guns and it gets complicated but the guard to prisoner ratio was extremely
Gonz said:
One of the funniest things I've ever seen was on I-80, about 96 miles east of Ohio (*shudder*) is a sign that reads Highest point on I80 east of the Mississippi gives an elevation of approximately 1800 feet. We had to go down to get to 1800ft ;)

Considering that I-80 doesn't go anywhere near any mountains, you are correct. Go about 80 miles south, close to WV. ;) Flatlander. :D
Gotnolegs said:
Interesting choice of words.

Surely it is proof that there are some bigots in France, or are you suggesting that the entire citizenship of France perpretrated this crime?


I'll rephrase then...just for you...

Proof, yet again, that France does nothing to control it's bigoted population other than bloviating in front of their government. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
I'll rephrase then...just for you...

Proof, yet again, that France does nothing to control it's bigoted population other than bloviating in front of their government. ;)

Can I get really pedantic here?

LOL! Who am I trying to kid I AM really pedantic...

Surely it is proof that the French Government doesn't do enough, not that is does nothing?

How about this? Is this proof that the US does nothing to control its bigoted population?

Gotnolegs said:
Is this proof that the US does nothing to control its bigoted population?


I hope so. The US has no business controlling it's populaltion & it's not their job.
Gotnolegs said:
Can I get really pedantic here?

LOL! Who am I trying to kid I AM really pedantic...

Surely it is proof that the French Government doesn't do enough, not that is does nothing?

How about this? Is this proof that the US does nothing to control its bigoted population?


Hmmm...I see a few arrests there. Perhaps you should take another look. I saw no arrests on anything in France, and isn't France the country banning all public religious displays? Not on public property, mind you, but everywhere? Headscarves...banned in public (anti-islam)...crosses over 20 feet high...banned outdoors, even on private property...Jewish religious symbols of any kind are subject to scorn and derision at best...and this is countrywide in France, not just isolated areas. Every country has it's share of ass-holes...France just seems to have more than most... ;)