Age differences in a relationship


Kissy Goddess
What is your opinion as far as age differences in a relationship? How many years max?

My Aunt & Uncle were 30 yrs apart, my Aunt wound up being a live in nurse for the last 25 yrs of my Uncles life - he had a couple strokes and a couple of bypasses. She loved him - through every last breath and would not change a thing.

I bring this up because I was thinking about Demi & Ashton - and somehow I just don't think that one is going to last - he's too young still and is going to change A LOT where Demi is already... in her.. 40's? and has already experienced things that have molded who she is now.

My boyfriend is 10 yrs younger than me - some days I question it - others I think he's - just plain amazing.

Can women succesfully date younger men?
Can men successfully date younger women?
I'm talkin' atleast 10 - 15 yrs or more...
i think it's more about the 2 individuals in question and not the age...but i agree with spirit on the demi/ashton thing...i can't put my finger on why...(although i really wish i could ;) )
My X was 7 years younger than me. It worked fine until life got serious and we had kids. It might have been different had we both been older, even with the age gap. The younger you are, the larger the actual difference, IMO.
It depends on many factors.

A 17 yo & a 23 are (or should be) worlds apart but a 30yo & a 40 yo are in a similar place.
Me last girl was just over 11 yrs older than me......and it worked out pretty well :) (although it was always an easy going, relaxed, kinda relationship.

Now I'm reaching 31 yrs......I certainly don't bother with anyone more than two or three yrs younger than me......I'm sure that kinda thing works for a lotta people but I can't be havin' with folks who don't know the where's/wot's and wot they wants from life......these days I prefer a bit more stability in a relationship.........fuck, I'm gettin' old :(
Camelyn said:
Naw, you're not getting old. You're just matuing in your emotional needs....fuck it, you're getting old.


It's only a matter of time until the point where I go lookin' for a hot date at the pension que at the post office ;)

Besides....I defy any man (with relevant experience of course) to deny that older women do it better :D
Ya.. I think if the man and woman are already mature, then age shouldn't make a big difference. But I do think if the guy is still in his 20's - he's got a lot of maturing left whereas the woman has *been there done that* - perhaps patience is key.

tonks... I wanna put my finger on... why.. too!:D
my X was 6 years younger than me. I prefer someone who is a little older than me personally. I would want someone around my age so we can relate and such
Can women succesfully date younger men? Can men successfully date younger women? I'm talkin' atleast 10 - 15 yrs or more...

More often than not social insecurities end a relationship rather than the age factor. Age difference can amount to little or nothing in a relationship but the social norms of the given society and the prying comments of those around them can often build a plague of insecurities which eats away the foundation of mutal interest and respect such a relationship may have had.

Also more often than not the simple difference in the age and the experience that comes with it is not so clear when the intial interest is sparked between two people with considerable gender gaps leading up to eventual breakdown after the infatuation burns out.

Also more often than not maturity overlooks these little quibbles.
she is 10 years older than me. although we've had a few rough spots, things have been going well for the last 8 years.
Oz said:
It's only a matter of time until the point where I go lookin' for a hot date at the pension que at the post office ;)

Besides....I defy any man (with relevant experience of course) to deny that older women do it better :D

Can you BS!!!!!!! :p

*would like to point out that she's 5 years the junior of Oz & would probably give any 'older woman' a run for her money*

Tis a matter of personal taste m'dear............and I think anyone is more affected by the maturity of the person they are with, rather than the actual age of that person.
Well yeah....o' course it's a matter o' taste. Hell, I know plenty of guys in their 40's and 50' who chase 19-25 yr olds around :D

Strangly enough........maturity and age certainly don't go hand in hand (can't imagine meself with anyone who acted sensibly all the time) ....... but experience certainly does, not just sexual experience either :swing:

Interestingly.....nearly all the blokes on here seem to be with older interesting to see how it fares out later in the week when more have replied.

*would like to point out that she's 5 years the junior of Oz & would probably give any 'older woman' a run for her money*

Well, don't know yer outside of this internetty malarky I'll have to take yer word for it :D But in my experience........oldies are the goodies ;)