New Member
Oz said:Well yeah....o' course it's a matter o' taste. Hell, I know plenty of guys in their 40's and 50' who chase 19-25 yr olds around
Strangly enough........maturity and age certainly don't go hand in hand (can't imagine meself with anyone who acted sensibly all the time) ....... but experience certainly does, not just sexual experience either
Interestingly.....nearly all the blokes on here seem to be with older interesting to see how it fares out later in the week when more have replied.
Well, don't know yer outside of this internetty malarky I'll have to take yer word for it But in my experience........oldies are the goodies
babe, it wasn't meant as a come-on! I was just pointing out that sexual majurity (among other things) doesn't rely on one's age, but rather who are with & how comfortable you are with yourself.
But like I said, it's all personal preferences, hell I rarely date guys who are less than 4 - 5 years older than me, simply because they are mostly settled in their careers etc & driven to achieve results from themselves & for themselves. Of course there have been exceptions (hell, the guy I've started with now is a year younger than me, but has all the qualities that have historically drawn me to older guys).
And.....ahem............I have known plenty of younger people with much more sexual experience than some of their older counterparts - I guess in a way it's a testament to the times that people are getting younger & younger with sexual experiences. But as far as other experience goes (life experience, which is essentially more important), yeah the older guys & girls are deffo ahead of the pack. Of course it does differ from individual to individual.
But then I've had guys in my life ranging from 7 years younger than me to 10 years older, I wouldn't necessarily say the older ones were better in bed, but as far as relationships went they were at an advantage because they were more secure & knew what they wanted as well, rather than just me dictating the terms of the relationship.